BIOGRIP Node for Soil and Water Analyses
The BIOGRIP Node for Soil and Water Analysis at Stellenbosch University in the Western Cape houses various state of the art instruments for the analysis of several chemical properties of water and soil samples. The Biogeochemistry Research Infrastructure Platform (BIOGRIP) is a Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) initiative to advance biogeochemistry research in South Africa. BIOGRIP is a multi-institutional structure consisting of a hub and node at UCT, as well as nodes at three other higher education institutions. Stellenbosch University hosts the BIOGRIP node for water and soil analysis, which is managed as part of the Central Analytical Facility (CAF) at Stellenbosch. The BIOGRIP node at SU will provide access to advanced analytical techniques and instruments for water and soil research to clients in industry and research institutions. In addition post-graduate students will have the opportunity to be trained to operate the equipment available in the facility.
Equipment and Analytical services offered:
Ion chromatography
A Metrohm IC930 Ion Chromatography system which can be used for the quantification of anions (Cl, F, NO2, NO3, PO4, SO4, Br) and cations (Li, Ca, K, Na Mg, NH4,) in aqueous (rain, surface, ground, municipal, effluent and seawater) samples is available.
O/H Stable isotope analyser
A state-of-the-art Los Gatos liquid water isotope analyser (LWIA), which can measure the δ18O, δ17O and δ2H stable isotopes of water in liquid and discrete vapor samples is available.
Total organic carbon (TOC) analyser
A Vario TOC cube (Elementar) can be used for the quantification of various carbon species such as Total Carbon (TC), Total organic carbon (TOC), Total inorganic carbon (TIC), Non-purgeable organic carbon (NPOC) and total bound nitrogen (TNb) is available. This instrument can be used for the analysis of liquid and solid samples ranging from ultrapure water, industrial wastewater, concentrated salt solutions and/or solids.
Discrete analyser
A discrete analyser (Skalar BlueVisionTM) which can be used for the quantification of chemical (Cl, SO4, PO4, NO3, NO2) and other properties (alkalinity, total hardness, colour) of aqueous samples is also availabl
Interested in any specific analysis – contact us to inquire if we may be able to assist.