
We have made several additional resources available, in case you need it.

Wellness booklet​
Reading tips 
​​Online study tips
Understanding common instruction words
Five steps to help you to design your life

Strategies to help you when you feel overwhelmed​​​

Digital wellbeing

Digital wellbeing booklet


Academic support

For many students studying online and with no peer interaction can be daunting, but the Unit has developed these academic support videos to help you while working online and at home. Video topics are:

  • I miss peer interaction...
  • How do I prepare for an online assessments?​​
  • I find it challenging to manage my time.
  • How to stay focused and motivated?
  • How do I manage my online workload?​


​Below are the transcripts of the above videos.

I miss peer interaction
​​​​How to stay focussed and motivated
Managing your online workload
Time management
Exam preparation for online assessments

Neurological exercises
