Stellenbosch University is constantly busy improving facilities on campus for the benefit of students and staff. For this reason, please take note that during the academic year building will possibly be taking place in and around the accommodation facilities on campus.
There is a new housing project planned for execution during 2017 in the Monica, Harmonie and Wilgenhof precinct but alternative locations, i.e. Goldfields housing complex, are currently investigated. Furthermore, continuous maintenance and upgrade projects are also continuing as usual, for example the phased upgrading of bathrooms in Erica that will continue until early 2017. A similar project is currently in execution for Huis Francie van Zijl at the Tygerberg campus, with expected completion early 2017. The upgrading of the Helshoogte bathrooms is next in line and phased work will start during 2017.
Smaller projects are also planned for Minerva and Nerina and should be completed during 2017.
There are currently also plans to launch a project at Goldfields student housing complex during 2017, with the main objectives of improving the current dining-hall and kitchen as well as access to these facilities.
Because continuous construction work is happening on several terrains on all campuses and initially everyone is affected negatively in some way, no “discount” regarding residence tariffs will be considered. The question of ‘who will be given discount and who not?’ will result in a situation too tricky to handle. Students and their parents can be assured, however, that the well-being, safety and academic progress of students are always priority and that the University will do everything possible to limit inconvenience as much as possible.
During times of construction all possible arrangements will be made for the safety of students and their belongings. For bigger projects, regular meetings will be held and representatives of the residences will be invited in order to keep them updated on all matters and ensure that students are inconvenienced as little as possible.
No noisy work will be done during the first exam opportunities. In the week leading up to the start of the first exam opportunities, restrictions will be placed on working hours to ensure the residents are given sufficient opportunity to prepare for the upcoming examination.
All statutory requirements regarding occupational safety will be adhered to and the contract team and workers of each project will be clearly identifiable. The safety of our students is of cardinal importance.
Enquiries can be directed to Mr Anton Kriel at ack@sun.ac.za.