Central Analytical Facilities
Welkom by Universiteit Stellenbosch

​​Light Microscopy

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For more information about an instrument, click on the name of the instrument.

Stellenbosch Campus:

Zeiss LSM780 with ELYRA PS1 platforms
Location: Mike de Vries Building, Room 2022
  • A high sensitivity, inverted, point-scanning confocal microscope
  • Equipped with an on-stage incubator for CO2, humidity and temperature control for live cell imaging.
  • Equipped with super-resolution platforms: SR SIM and PALM/STORM/SMLM
  • Capable of Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF)
  • Lasers available:
      1. 405nm diode laser.
      2. Argon laser with 3 excitation lines (458nm, 488nm, 514nm)
      3. 561 nm laser
      4. 633 nm laser​

Zeiss Stemi 508 Stereo Microscope
Location: ​Chamb​er of Mines Building, Room 1034/5,

  • ​Two reflected light LED and one transmitted light LED 

  • Choose between mirror-based transillumination or the flat brightfield-darkfield transilluminator 

  • Camera: Zeiss AxioCam ICc 5 colour camera 

  • Magnification: 5:1 

  • Software: ZEN 2 Core Imaging Software 

Zeiss AxioImager.Z2m petrographic microscope

Location: Chamber of Mines Building​Room 1034/5,

  • Allows for brightfield, darkfield and polarized microscopy, as well as DIC 
  • Allows for correlative microscopy 
  • Software: Axio Vision SE64 Release 4.9.1 
  • Objectives: 20X, 10X, 2.5X, 20XEPI, 40X, 50X 
  • Camera: Zeiss AxioCam 105 color ​

Tygerberg Campus:


Zeiss AxioObserver 7 - Live-cell fluorescence microscope​​​

Location: Clinical building, Room 7063​​