Hope@Maties was a provincial first opportunity university preparation programme that was discontinued end of 2016 and replaced with the National Talent Development Programme (in collaboration with the Department of Science and Technology).
Also congratulations to
38 former HOPE@Maties students who graduated at the SU at the end of 2016.
In this picture are nine EMS graduates with Mr Lynthon Jacobs, programme manager of HOPE@Maties at one of the SU graduation ceremonies in December 2016.
More information about the programme
The programme offered supplementary tuition to learners in Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Accounting while they were in Grade 12.
Learners qualified for this programme if they obtained and average of at least 70% at the end of Grade 11 and if they obtained a minimum of 60% in Mathematics.
The learners attended the additional tuition programme either during the three school holidays of their Grade 12 year or on pre-arranged Saturdays. Tutors for these learners were identified in collaboration with the Departments of Education.
The programmes were offered in schools and where applicable, in schools with hostels / residences where the learners were accommodated during the holidays.
Apart from the tuition, learners were assisted with career choices and with the application process for higher education. They were also informed about financial support and bursaries to apply for.
Psycho-social support was given where and when necessary.
History, success and stats about this programme
HOPE@Maties was initially offered by the Stellenbosch University Faculty of Education to invite more students from a specific region to become teachers.
In 2012 this focus changed to include learners from the bigger Western Cape who wanted to enrol in any degree programme. It was expanded to include learners from the Northern Cape in 2015.
2012, 207 learners were part of the programme.
104 of this group enrolled in different degree programmes at SU (50% of the cohort); sixteen students enrolled in SciMathUS.
2013: 218 learners
- Of the 218 learners, six HOPE@Maties learners were on the Western Cape Education Department's merit list; one HOPE@Maties learner received a ministerial award for achieving three distinctions in the final exam despite difficult personal circumstances;
- 34 learners (16%) obtained A aggregates;
- 157 individual A symbols were obtained in the four subjects offered by the programme:
- 32 in Mathematics (subject average: 63,87%),
- 21 in Physical Sciences (subject average 64,01%),
- 63 in Life Sciences (subject average: 75,56%) (not offered again in 2014)
- 41 in Accounting (subject average: 74, 2%); and
- a total of 146 of the 218 learners (66%) enrolled at SU.
2014: 220 learners
- one HOPE@Maties learner was second in the South Africa in quintile 3 schools. Her average was 93%;
- 61 learners (28%) obtained A aggregates;
- 150 individual A symbols were obtained in the three subjects offered by the programme:
- 58 of 220 learners obtained A aggregates in Mathematics (subject average: 69,87%),
- 39 of 180 learners obtained A aggregates in Physical Sciences (subject average 69%),
- 53 of 106 learners obtained A aggregates in Accounting (subject average 77, 2%); and
- a total of 160 of the 220 learners (73%) enrolled at SU.
2015: 355 learners in two provinces
- eight learners were on the Western Cape Education Department's merit list for 2015; and
- five learners made it on the top 20 list of the Northern Cape Department of Education's (NCDoE), including the top performer in that province;
- 107 WC learners obtained A aggregates (44% of the WC group) and 23 NC learners (21% of the group) obtained A aggregates (130 of 355 and therefore 37% of the bigger group).
- The following number of learners obtained A symbols in the three subjects offered by the programme in the two provinces. The number of A symbols per province is given in the table below.
- 107 of the total number of 355 learners obtained A aggregates in Mathematics;
- 82 of the 296 learners in these two groups wrote the Physical Sciences paper and obtained A aggregates; and
- 98 of the 185 learners in these two groups wrote the Accounting paper and obtained A aggregates.
- A total of 166 of the 355 learners (143 from the WC and 22 from the NC) (46% of the total number of 355) enrolled at SU in 2016.
In 2016, the programme was offered in the Western and Northern Cape at the following venues.
Holiday Schools in the Western Cape | Saturday schools in the Western Cape | Holiday schools in the Northern Cape |
Genadendal | Southern Suburbs | Kimberley |
Oudtshoorn | Mitchell's Plain
In the table below, a summary indicating the NSC results and pass rates of the groups 2012 - 2016
HOPE@Maties | Western Cape |
| Northern Cape
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2015 |
2016 |
Number/candidates | 207 | 218 | 220 | 245 | 236 | 110 | 57
Average percentage |
69.37% |
72.21% |
75.00% |
77.40% |
77.95% |
73.80% |
79.67% |
Subject average Mathematics |
57.59% |
63.86% |
69.80% |
71.10% |
71.99% |
72.80% |
80.08% |
Subject average Physical Sciences |
60.85% |
64.01% |
69.00% |
72.30% |
71.96% |
69.10% |
76.92% |
Subject average Accounting |
75.83% |
74.20% |
77.50% |
78.70% |
81.87% |
76.40% |
80.88% |
Distinctions in Mathematics
| 14/196 | 32/218 | 58/220 | 76/245 | 69/236 | 31/109 | 33/57 |
% of group
7% |
15% |
26% |
31% |
29% |
28% |
58% |
Distinctions in Physical Sciences
| 13/135 | 21/160 | 39/180 | 59/198 | 63/191 | 23/98 | 22/55 |
% of group
10% |
13% |
22% |
30% |
33% |
23% |
40% |
Distinctions in Accounting
| 43/109 | 41/116 | 53/106 | 80/139 | 84/132 | 18/46 | 14/25 |
% of group
39% |
35% |
50% |
58% |
64% |
39% |
56% |
Number of students who passed NSC with distinction
| 22/207
| 34/218 | 61/220 | 107/245 | 92/236 | 23/110 | 28/57 |
% of group
11% |
16% |
27% |
44% |
39% |
21% |
49% |
Number of students who enrolled at SU
| 104 | 146 | 143 | 166 | 162 | 22 | 28 |
% of group
50% |
66,9% |
65% |
67% |
69% |
20% |
30 |