Have a question for SUNCEP? We'd love to hear from you.
SciMathUS QUERIES (Ms Kulati):
| FAX NUMBER: 021 808 3000 |
POSTAL ADDRESS Private Bag X1 Matieland 7602 South Africa | PHYSICAL ADDRESS Room 3063 Education Building (Faculty of Education) Corner of Ryneveld and Crozier Streets
Stellenbosch University

Driving directions to our office
If you are coming from Cape Town on the N2
Turn from the N2 at Exit 33 [Baden-Powell Road, Stellenbosch]. Turn left onto the R310. Follow the road (approximately 23 km) until you reach a T-junction and turn right. Follow the road into Stellenbosch until you reach a second T-junction (immediately past the railway station to the left). Turn left onto the R44. At the second traffic light, turn right into Merriman Avenue. Turn right at the third traffic light into Ryneveld Street. Pass one building on the left. The entrance to a visitors’ parking area is immediately to the left. The Education building in on the right hand side of the road, across the street from the parking area. Alternatively turn right and park behind the Education Building – the first entrance on you right again. A security guard will assist you in the parking area.
If you are coming from Cape Town on the N1
Follow the N1 to Paarl. Take exit 39 to Stellenbosch and then turn right onto the R304. Follow the road to Stellenbosch. When you are in Stellenbosch turn right into Merriman Ave (at 5th set of traffic lights). Turn right into Ryneveld Street at the second set of traffic lights. Turn right at the first street (Crozier). The entrance to the visitors parking is just after you have passed the building (ie the Education Building) on the right hand side. A security guard will assist you in the parking area.