Stellenbosch University
Welcome to Stellenbosch University



CGW Schuman building, CGW SchumanCGW Schuman buildingBuildingsBosman street
CL Marais Library, CL Marais LibraryCL Marais LibraryBuildingsCrozier street
CSCD, CSCDCSCDBuildingsVictoria street 47
Caltex house, Caltex houseCaltex houseBuildingsHammanshand way
Campus Health CI and Personnel/DispForm.aspx?ID=4, HealthServices
Campus Security, Campus SecurityCampus SecurityAdmin
Careers Office, Careers OfficeCareers OfficeBuildingsVictoria street 43
Central Analytical Facilities (CAF), CAFCentral Analytical Facilities (CAF)Department
Centre for Academic Planning and Quality Assurance, Centre for Academic Planning and Quality AssuranceCentre for Academic Planning and Quality AssuranceAdmin
Centre for Bible Interpretation and Translation in Africa, Centre for Bible Interpretation and Translation in AfricaCentre for Bible Interpretation and Translation in AfricaDepartment
Centre for Chinese Studies, Centre for Chinese StudiesCentre for Chinese StudiesDepartment
Centre for Corporate Governance in Africa, Centre for Corporate Governance in AfricaCentre for Corporate Governance in AfricaDepartment
Centre for Evidence-based Health Care, Centre for Evidence-based Health CareCentre for Evidence-based Health CareDepartmentCentre for Evidence-based Health Care, Department of Interdisciplinary Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University
Centre for Food Safety, Centre for Food SafetyCentre for Food SafetyDepartment
Centre for Geographical Analysis, for Geographical AnalysisDepartment
Centre for Higher and Adult Education, for Higher and Adult EducationDepartment
Centre for Human Performance Sciences, for Human Performance SciencesDepartment
Centre for Institutional Information, Centre for Institutional InformationCentre for Institutional InformationAdmin
Centre for Institutional Research, Centre for Institutional ResearchCentre for Institutional ResearchAdmin
Centre for Invasion Biology (CIB), for Invasion Biology (CIB)Services
Centre for Knowlegde Dynamics and Decision-making, for Knowlegde Dynamics and Decision-makingServices
Centre for Language and Speech Technology (SU-STaST), for Language and Speech Technology (SU-STaST)Services
Centre for Learning Technologies Page Carousel/DispForm.aspx?ID=4, News articlesCentre for Learning TechnologiesCentre
Centre for Macormolecules and Materials (UNESCO), for Macormolecules and Materials (UNESCO)Services
Centre for Prospective Students, Centre for Prospective StudentsCentre for Prospective StudentsAdminVictoria street 45
Centre for Regional and Urban Innovation and Statistical Exploration (CRUISE), for Regional and Urban Innovation and Statistical Exploration (CRUISE)Services
Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies (CRSES), for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies (CRSES)Services
Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology (CREST), CRESTCentre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology (CREST)Department
Centre for Statistical Consultation, Centre for Statistical ConsultationCentre for Statistical Consultation
Centre for Student Communities, for Student CommunitiesServices
Centre for Student Counselling & Development (CSCD), CSCDCentre for Student Counselling & Development (CSCD)Admin
Centre for Student Information Systems, Centre for Student Information SystemsCentre for Student Information SystemsAdmin
Centre for Supply Chain Management, for Supply Chain ManagementServices
Centre for Teaching and Learning, for Teaching and LearningServices
Centre for Teaching and Learning, Centre for Teaching and LearningCentre for Teaching and LearningBuildingsVictoria street 41
Chemistry, ChemistryChemistryBuildingsDe Beersstraat
Chemistry and Polymer Science, and Polymer ScienceDepartment
Chemistry and Polymer Science, Chemistry and Polymer ScienceChemistry and Polymer ScienceDepartment
Chinese Carousel/DispForm.aspx?ID=22, ChineseChineseDepartment
Cilliers house, Cilliers houseCilliers houseBuildingsVan Riebeeckstraat 36
Civil Engineering, Civil EngineeringCivil EngineeringBuildingsBanghoekweg
Civil Engineering, Civil EngineeringCivil EngineeringDepartment
Coetzenburg Centre, Coetzenburg Centre Coetzenburg Centre BuildingsNoordwal East, Coetzenburg
Coetzenburg athletic stadium, Coetzenburg athletic stadiumCoetzenburg athletic stadiumBuildingsDie Laan, Coetzenburg
Community Interaction CI and Personnel/DispForm.aspx?ID=3, /english/ciCommunity InteractionUnits
Computer Science, ScienceDepartment
Concordia, ConcordiaConcordiaBuildingsHammandshand way
Confucius Institute at Stellenbosch University, Institute at Stellenbosch UniversityServices
Conservation Ecology & Entomology, Conservation Ecology & EntomologyConservation Ecology & EntomologyDepartment
Conservatoire CI and Personnel/DispForm.aspx?ID=10,

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