Stellenbosch University
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First cohort of Advanced Diploma in Education pass 1st year with flying colours
Author: Ramesh Jeram
Published: 22/01/2019

​In 2018, the Stellenbosch University Centre for Pedagogy (SUNCEP) registered its first intake of students for the Advanced Diploma in Education (ADE) Mathematics teaching in the Intermediate (IP), Senior (SP) and Further Education and Training (FET) Phase. Of the 70 candidates on the course, we are currently sitting with 33 IP, 17 SP and 20 FET teachers attending each ADE course. With mathematics being considered as one of the gateway subjects for entering tertiary studies and with a constantly evolving mathematics school curriculum, it has become crucial for mathematics teachers to upskill themselves to offer learners the best opportunities for teaching and learning of mathematics from grade 4 up to grade 12. Thus, the purpose of this course is to enhance the content knowledge and pedagogical skills of currently serving mathematics teachers, to afford the learners the best opportunities for learning.

ADE students hard at work at the Cape Teaching and Learning Institute (CTLI) venue.

Utilising a practice-based professional learning approach, the ADE course is structured in such a manner as to offer student's opportunities to learn and share new knowledge, with follow up cluster mentoring support sessions, where mentors allow students to share and convert their newly acquired theoretical knowledge into practical knowledge, based on their teaching contexts. The practice-based assignments allows them to implement their newly acquired pedagogical skills and content knowledge, with self-reflection forming a crucial part of the learning process to bridge the theory-practice gap.

After the first year of course delivery, and with an attrition rate of only 6%, SUNCEP is proud to announce that 100% of all ADE FET students passed all their modules; 97% of all ADE IP students passed all their modules and 88% of all ADE SP students passed all their modules. Based on evaluations conducted with all students after each modules, most students appreciated the integrative approach in which the mathematics was facilitated. In addition, the support offered by the mentor between each contact/training session was highly valued by all students.  

With the final year approaching, and with the support of our facilitators and mentors, SUNCEP will be looking at ways of strengthening the support to teachers, to achieve a 100% certification rate in 2019.  We look forward to engaging with the students once more.

For more information contact Dr Melanie Petersen: