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Insect mass-rearing workshop comes to South Africa
Author: Corinna S. Bazelet
Published: 10/11/2017

Solutions to end world hunger and the destruction of our planet might lie in an unlikely place, in our tiniest and most overlooked six-legged friends, the insects. Just as cattle, fish or other livestock are reared in large numbers – such as for meat or dairy production – so, too, are insects reared for a variety of purposes, some of which are quite instrumental to our daily lives!

Sterile insect technique (SIT), for example, is a method used for reducing the number of agricultural pests by releasing laboratory-reared, infertile insects into agricultural environments, to mate with wild individuals, which will result in the production of infertile eggs, and thus no further progeny. These programmes benefit South African agriculture (such as citrus, and the table grape industry) and the economy by enabling the production of high quality fruit with less chemical insecticide input. This in turns makes South African fruit more marketable in foreign countries, and appetizing here at home. Similarly, biological control agents, or beneficial insects which feed on and kill weeds and pest insects, are an excellent replacement for chemical herbicides and insecticides. Weed biocontrol agents for example are widely utilized throughout South Africa to clear out clogged waterways and other invasive alien plant infestations, especially in areas that are hard to access by other means.

Just as animal production is a science in and of itself, so, too, is insect mass-rearing a field which is continually growing and improving with the development of technological advances. There is a growing demand for more sustainable pest control and protein production, and reduction of waste products using insect decomposers, even having butterflies replacing confetti at weddings! The International Insect Rearing Workshop (IIRW), held annually at Mississippi State University, USA, celebrated its 20th session in 2017, and has worked hard to fulfil this demand over the years. The IIRW served as a model for this first South African Insect Mass-Rearing Workshop.

Prof. Des Conlong, of the South African Sugarcane Research Institute and Stellenbosch University’s Department of Conservation Ecology and Entomology, and Dr. Elsje Pieterse of Stellenbosch University’s Department of Animal Science, are two of South Africa’s most experienced and knowledgeable insect rearing experts. Together they attended the IIRW in November 2016 and were encouraged by the founders, Dr. Frank Davis, Dr. John Schneider, and Dr. Norman Leppla, to replicate the workshop and adapt it to the South African context.

A year later, from 23-27 October 2017, the first Insect Mass-Rearing Workshop was held in Stellenbosch and was hosted by the IPM Initiative in the Department of Conservation Ecology and Entomology. The workshop brought together 42 attendees from government, private industry and academia from five countries, with expertise ranging from biology, entomology and engineering to economics. Twelve subject matter experts presented lectures on wide-ranging inter-related topics for scientifically based mass insect rearing, which included genetics, physiology, insect nutrition, insectary design, quality control, health and safety, and insect pathology. Dr. Leppla, of the University of Florida, one of the original organizers of the IIRW, was in attendance, and his input and insight from 40 years of experience in insect rearing was invaluable to workshop participants.

In addition to detailed lectures, four practical sessions allowed participants to learn by doing. Two field trips to rearing facilities in Stellenbosch and Cape Town and a few social events in the evenings provided further opportunities for participants to share their experiences and exchange ideas.

Many interesting discussions were sparked throughout the week, focussing heavily on the perception of insect production in South Africa, and how to more effectively streamline the adoption of these beneficial practices into South African industry and culture. Prof. Conlong, Dr. Pieterse and Dr. Leppla are committed to making this workshop an annual event, as there is clearly a demand and an interest in South Africa. Through the network formed in this first workshop, participants will stay in touch and continue to share tips for how to grow more and better quality insects into the future.

To learn more or register for next year’s workshop, visit this link: