Stellenbosch University
Welcome to Stellenbosch University
Career Fairs 2 to 4 August 2017
Author: Wilna Naudé
Published: 07/08/2017

The Unit for Graduand Career Services (CSCD) recently held the annual Career Fairs on 2 and 3 August in marquee tents on the Rooiplein, and on 4 Aug in the Academia Recreational Hall.

All three days were a huge success!

In spite of rainy weather on 2 Aug the turn out from both exhibitors and students exceeded expectations.

The Career Fairs offer students the opportunity to network with companies and ask their burning questions about career opportunities and other career related information.

Forty companies exhibited at the Accounting Career Fair on 2 Aug, and close to 4 590 visits by SU students were made to this exhibit.

A total of 48 exhibitors showcased the career opportunities at their individual companies at the General Career Fair on 3 Aug. Approximately 3 839 visits were paid to this Fair. The Rector and Vice-Chancellor, Prof Wim de Villiers, also paid us a visit to chat to the companies and the students (photo).

At the Engineering Career Fair on 4 Aug 25 companies exhibited their opportunities to 1 152 mostly Engineering students.

Companies expressed their appreciation for the opportunity and the exposure they get on campus.

  • Good experience. We will come again!
  • Keeps getting better year after year.
  • Great meet and greet experience for both business and students.
  • It was a successful day, the students were very friendly and eager to hear and learn from the recruiters.
  • Great attendance by students. Great vibe and interest from all students. We will definitely attend next year again!