Stellenbosch University
Welcome to Stellenbosch University
Ready to RRR…
Author: Corporate Communication/Korporatiewe Kommunikasie
Published: 25/05/2017

​Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is far more than just a catchy slogan at Stellenbosch University (SU). The three Rs inform our entire waste management system and have been the impetus for a number of innovative campus projects.

A few examples are the treatment of our food waste to create compost, the use of discarded organic waste (such as leaves, wood chips, grass) from landscapes to mulch our gardens and the sale of second-hand furniture by the University's furniture store.

In a society that has become used to replacing rather than repairing items, SU strives to do the right thing for the environment, by maintaining and repairing equipment whenever possible. Old unbroken irrigation fittings are re-used for repairing damaged irrigation systems, and old paving that is removed is either reused or sold. Where plants and trees had to be uprooted due to building works or expansions, these trees are replanted in other areas of the campuses.  

We're proud of the fact that we actively reuse, reduce and recycle wherever we can in the maintenance and day-to-day running of our campuses. Of course, the behaviour of our staff and students is essential to the credibility of our sound waste management strategy. Really simple changes in your daily habits have a huge impact on the amount of waste produced on our campus. Commit to making a tangible difference by doing the following:

  • Fill your reusable water bottle at one of the any water stations on campus. Buying water every day is costly and generates waste from discarded bottles.
  • Order your meals on a sit-down basis, rather than takeaway, so there's no need for disposable containers and cutlery and thus reduce packaging.
  • Opt for electronic communication rather than printed mail.
  • When you do have to print a document, print on both sides of the paper.
  • Invest in reusable shopping bags – they will quickly pay themselves off in terms of all the money you'll save from not buying plastic bags. Plus, they're way more versatile and stylish.
  • Avoid "snack-size" individually wrapped portions when shopping. Buying in bulk cuts down on the amount of packaging involved, and it's cheaper.

Click here for loads more ideas of how you can cut down on waste - and save money at the same time.

Got some ideas of your own? We want to know about them. Get in touch with John de Wet at 021 808 9422 or Meg Pittaway at 021 808 3776.