Stellenbosch University
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SRC asks for support to #RegisterAll
Author: Corporate Communication/Korporatiewe Kommunikasie
Published: 27/01/2017

​Stellenbosch University's (SU) Student Representative Council (SRC) is once again raising funds for its #RegisterAll campaign, which aims to ensure access to Higher Education for students at SU. Last year, more than R500 000 was raised to assist over 60 students.

"We aim to raise more funds to assist as many academically deserving and financially needy students as possible," Lwazi Pakade of the SRc said in a statement about the initiative. "Your donation will not only help us reach our goals to help students but also go a long way in keeping a student in university and ultimately a lasting impact on a student, their family and community."

Earlier this week, Management said that they really appreciate the initiative by the SRC to again raise funds via its #RegisterALL campaign. "As in 2016, the University will support the campaign as best possible."

Read the full statement here.