Stellenbosch University
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Top lecturers are passionate about their subjects
Author: Lana Coetzee, Die Burger
Published: 11/10/2016

Prof Sarel Steel of the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science won the 2016 top lecturer competition of the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. The announcement was made on Friday night at a prestigious function at Knorhoek Wine Estate.

Prof Edwin Theron of the Department of Business Management is the runner-up and Roelof Baard of the School of Accountancy is third in this, the sixth annual competition of its kind sponsored by Die Burger.

What distinguishes the competition this year, is that every department, including the University of Stellenbosch Business School, nominated its top lecturer.

They are: Prof Edwin Theron (Department of Business Management), Dr Debra Shepherd (Department of Economics), Prof Callie Theorn (Department of Industrial Psychology), Prof Sarel Steel (Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science), Dr Babette Rabie (School of Public Leadership), Roelof Baard (School of Accountancy), Heinri Freiboth (Department of Logistics) and Prof André Roux (US Business School).

All these lecturers are winners in their own right but have also competed for the position of top lecturer of the Faculty.

  • To read the entire Die Burger article, click here.

Photo (f.l.t.r.): Mr Willem Jordaan, Editor of Die Burger (sponsor of the top lecturer competition), Prof Eugene Cloete, Vice-Rector: Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Studies, Prof Edwin Theron (overall runner-up), Mr Heinri Freiboth (Department of Logistics), Prof Callie Theorn (Department of Industrial Psychology), Dr Debra Shepherd (Department of Economics), Mr Roelof Baard (in 3rd place), Professors Ronel du Preez, Vice-Dean (Teaching & Learning), Stan du Plessis (Dean), Sarel Steel (overall winner) and André Roux (US Business School). Photo taken by Natalie Daniels.