Disbursements via Intellimali
Please click HERE for the intellicard registration manual.
Stellenbosch University funding makes provision for the following allowances, providing that the tuition fee has been covered by the bursaries and/or loans granted:
Book allowance
A maximum of R5 200 is paid onto the student card for book purchases at Maties Copy and Print, Van Schaik, Pimp my Books and Protea Bookstore. Protea Bookstore and Pimp my Books sells second hand books for cheaper options.
Private Accommodation
Funds for private accommodations is payable, but it depends on amount available of the total financial award for each student after tuition and book allowances have been paid.
The maximum monthly allowance payable, is based on the cost of a double room at a university hostel.
The following dwellings are making use of the direct payment facility:
Nooitgedacht A
Nooitgedacht C
Maranatha Behuising
The Digs (Tygerberg)
The Annex (Tygerberg)
If you want to make a change to your private accommodation, please complete the NSFAS Accommodation Change Request Form and forward along with the new lease agreement to nsfas@sun.ac.za. Click
HERE for the form.
Food allowance
A monthly food allowance is payable for students renting privately, but it depends on the amount available of the total financial offer for each student after tuition, book allowances and accommodation has been paid.
Food stores include Pick 'n Pay and Checkers.
At the Neelsie Centre: Tamatie, Buzz Juice and Smoothie Bar, DCM, Hutmakers, Java Junction, My Brew and Mariam's Kitchen are included.
Travel and Meal allowance
Students living at home can claim money for monthly travel to university and/or a meal at campus.
This allowance is payable in cash, but it depends on the amount available of the total financial offer for each student after tuition and book allowances has been paid out.