The aim of the visit was to compare local government policies, practices
and programmes in South Africa to those in three selected Eastern Europe
countries. On this research visit, academics from the SPL was joined by two
Senior Managers from the Cape Town Metro Municipality and Hantam Local
Municipality respectively, an Urban Economist from the Social, Urban, Rural and
Resilience Division from the World Bank, and ten mid-career managers from the
Western Cape Provincial Departments of Local Government and Treasury.
purpose of the visit was to share practices and learn from the experience of the
academic colleagues based at the above three institutions, as well as local
councilors and senior public officials in the respective cities.
This visit directly contributes to the strategic
vision of the SPL: learning for sustainable African futures.
Particulars of Hosts
Name of Host | Hajnal Gyorgy |
Title | Prof |
Professional Position | Head of Department |
Department/Faculty | Department of Public Policy and Management |
Institution | Corvinus University of Budapest |
Country | Budapest |
| |
Name of Host | Rogobete Silviu |
Title | Prof |
Professional Position | Head: Strategic Partnerships and Diaspora |
Department/Faculty | Ubuntu center for African studies |
Institution | West University of Timisoara |
Country | Romania |
| |
Name of Host | Mamica Lukasz |
Title | Prof |
Professional Position | Associate Professor |
Department/Faculty | Department of Public Administration |
Institution | Krakow University of Economics |
Country | Krakow |
Below full report of the study tour: