Staff Member
| Publications |

| Director: School of Public Leadership Prof Zwelinzima Ndevu Tel: 021 918 4129 Fax: 021 918 4123
Ndevu, Z. 2015. Enabling performance measures for an effective and efficient public service delivery: The case of South Africa's local sphere of government. Journal for Development and Leadership, 4(1) 48-61.
Khan, F., Grundling, E., Ruiters, G., Ndevu, Z. and Baloyi, B. (eds). 2016. State, Governance and Development in Africa. Cape Town: UCT-Juta
Bhengu, M and Ndevu, Z. 2016. An assessment of managerial knowledge, skills and attitudes required for implementing performance management system for organisational performance at Newcastle Municipality. Journal for Development and Leadership, 5(1) 37-57.
Mantzaris, E.A and Ndevu, Z.J. (2017). Corruption, Healthcare and Society: An Empirical Comparative Study of Brazil and Russia. African Journal of Public Affairs, 9(8) 78-90.

| Vice Dean: Social Impact (EMS Faculty) & Head of SPL Doctrate Programme
Prof Pregala Pillay Tel: 021 808 4341 Fax: 021 808 2085
| - KHAN F, PILLAY P. Corruption and its Repercussions on Employment, Poverty and Inequality: Rwanda and South Africa Compared. Journal of Reviews on Global Economics 2019; 8:1203-1212.
- MANTZARIS EA, PILLAY P. Corruption: Consequences for Socio-economic Well-being in South Africa. Alternation:Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of the Arts and Humanities in Southern Africa (Formerly International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages) 2019; 26(1):40-62.
- MANTZARIS EA, PILLAY P. Monitoring, Evaluation and Accountability Against Corruption: A South African Case Study. Journal of Reviews on Global Economics 2019; 8:521-531.
- PILLAY P, MANTZARIS EA. Citizens' Roles in Curbing Corruption in South Africa: Lessons from Africa. In: AGANG SB, PILLAY P, JONES C (eds.) A Multidimensional Perspective on Corruption in Africa. Wealth, Power, Religion and Democracy, Cambridge Scholars Publisher, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 2019: 19-39.
- BOWERS-DU TOIT NF, FORSTER DA. Activating a Christian Moral Imagination: "EXPOSED - Shine a Light on Corruption' as a fourth Generation Faith-based Campaign. In: AGANG SB, JONES C, PILLAY P (eds.) Wealth, Power, Religion and Democracy, Newcastle, United Kingdom, Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2019: 276-295.
- JONES C. Corruption and Impunity - with focus on the Global Impunity Index - G(11) 2017. In: AGANG SB, JONES C, PILLAY P (eds.) Wealth, Power, Religon and Democracy, Newcastle, United Kingdom, Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2019: 61-83.
- UMARU KK. Corruption as a Threat to Human Dignity: Some Reflections on the Nigerian Situation. In: AGANG SB, JONES C, PILLAY P (eds.) Wealth, Power, Religion and Democracy, Newcastle, United Kingdom, Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2019: 224-240.
- CHEN IXQ. Pouch, chuck, freeze and Launder:South Africa's Criminal Justice Response to Environmental Transnational abalone Pouching Syndicates. In: AGANG SB, PILLAY P, JONES C (eds.) A Multidimensional Perspective on Corruption in Africa: Wealth, Power, Religion and Democracy, Cambridge Scholars Publisher, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 2019: 196-223
- GOVENDER LS. A case study analysis of human resources management systems in selected higher education institutions in South Africa. PhD, 2019. 373 pp. Promotor: MANTZARIS EA. Medepromotor: PILLAY P.
- UWITES MF. Exploring Alternative Methods of Service Delivery through Mobile Governance at the Swakopmund Municipality . MPA, 2019. 162 pp. Studieleier: PILLAY P.
| Programme Head: Minimum Municipal Competency (MMC)
Prof Johan Burger Tel: 021 918 4125 Fax: 021 918 4123
| - JACOBS NP. Local Government Revenue Enhancement: A case study of Umsobomvu Local Government . MPA, 2019. 130 pp. Studieleier: BURGER APJ.
- KERNELLE NC. Alternative Service Delivery Mechanisms: The use of Collaborative Partnerships . MComm, 2019. 162 pp. Studieleier: BURGER APJ.
- MASOLANE LJ. Management of the Socio-economic Impacts of Immigration in South Africa - a case study of the City of Tshwane. MPA, 2019. 113 pp. Studieleier: BURGER APJ.
- MAYA S. Integrated Strategic Management and Financial Management Processes: A Case Study of the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) . MPA, 2019. 132 pp. Studieleier: BURGER APJ.
- NABE T, BURGER APJ. Impediments to Meaningful Municipal Participatory Budgeting: six Municipal case Studies in the Western Cape. In: van der Steen M, BURGER APJ, BURGER RW (eds.) The Governance of Transitions- The Transitions of Governance. Cases from Southern Africa, African Sun Media, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2018: 87-111.
- LEACH L. A framework for factoring citizen perceptions into local public service value systems to improve service quality. PhD, 2018. 234 pp. Promotor: BURGER APJ.
- MUZA C. An assessment of the relevance of Environmental Management Accounting for sustainability in Zimbabwe’s extractive industries. PhD, 2018. 281 pp. Promotor: BURGER APJ.
- GUHRING NC. Business is key: a sustainable supply chain management checklist could hold the solution to environmental preservation. MPhil, 2017. 151 pp. Studieleier: BURGER APJ.
- LUCAS JW. Sustainability and financial implications of the Labour Relations Amendment Act No.6 of 2014 for Western Cape health services outsourcing. . MPA, 2017. 139 pp. Studieleier: BURGER APJ.
- MARS S. An Evaluation of the Implementation of Strategic Sourcing in the Western Cape Government. . MPA, 2017. 122 pp. Studieleier: BURGER APJ.

| Co - Director: Centre for Complex Systems in Transition (CST)
Prof Mark Swilling Tel: 021 808 9607
| - HENSHILWOOD E, SWILLING M, NAIDOO ML. A. Transdisciplinary Inquiry Into Sustainable Automobility Transitions: The Case of an Urban Enclave in Cape Town . International Journal of E-Planning Research 2019; 8(3):13-37.
- ROBINSON PB, MUDIMU P, CHITEKWE T, KORANTENG K, SWILLING M. Exploring hybrid models for universal access to basic solar energy services in informal settlements: Case studies from South Africa and Zimbabwe . Energy Research & Social Science 2019; 56:1-10.
- SIMIYU SN, CAIRNCROSS S, SWILLING M. Understanding Living Conditions and Deprivation in Informal Settlements in Kisumu, Kenya. . Urban Forum 2019; 30:223-241
- MACIEJEWSKI K, DRIMIE SE. Ecological Infrastructure as a basis for the African Wellbeing Economy. In: SWILLING M (ed.) Transformational Infrastructure for Development of a Wellbeing Economy in Africa, AFRICAN SUN MeDIA, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2019: 53-72.
- MEBRATU D, SWILLING M. Distributed renewable economy for Africa as a basis for wellbeing economy developement. In: Mebratu D, SWILLING M (eds.) Transformational Infrastructure for development of a Wellbeing Economy in Africa, SUN Press, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2019: 229-257.
- MEBRATU D, SWILLING M. Inclusive and sustainable industrial development for Africa. In: Mebratu D, SWILLING M (eds.) Transformational Infrastructure for development of a Wellbeing Economy in Africa, SUN Press, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2019: 115-142.
- MEBRATU D, SWILLING M. Indicators on transformational infrastructure for a wellbeing economy. In: Mebratu D, SWILLING M (eds.) Transformational Infrastructure for development of a Wellbeing Economy in Africa, SUN Press, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2019: 289-309.
- MEBRATU D, SWILLING M. Transformative leapfrogging to a wellbeing economy in Africa. In: Mebratu D, SWILLING M (eds.) Transformational Infrastructure for development of a Wellbeing Economy in Africa, SUN Press, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2019: 25-50.
- MEBRATU D. Distributed Renewable Economy for Africa as a Basis for Wellbeing Economy development. In: Mebratu D, SWILLING M (eds.) Transformational Infrastructure for Development of a Wellbeing Economy in Africa, AFRICAN SUN MeDIA, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2019: 229-260.
- MEBRATU D. Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development for Africa. In: Mebratu D, SWILLING M (eds.) Transformational Infrastructure for Development of a Wellbeing Economy in Africa, AFRICAN SUN MeDIA, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2019: 115-145.
- MEBRATU D. Indicators on Transformational Infrastructure for a Wellbeing Economy. In: Mebratu D, SWILLING M (eds.) Transformational Infrastructure for Development of a Wellbeing Economy in Africa, AFRICAN SUN MeDIA, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2019: 289-313
- MEBRATU D. Transformative Leapfrogging to a Wellbeing Economy in Africa. In: Mebratu D, SWILLING M (eds.) Transformational Infrastructure for Development of a Wellbeing Economy in Africa, AFRICAN SUN MeDIA, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2019: 25-52.
- SWILLING M. Inclusive governance for sustainable development in Africa. In: Mebratu D, SWILLING M (eds.) Transformational Infrastructure for Development of a Wellbeing Economy in Africa, AFRICAN SUN MeDIA, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2019: 261-288.
- BLOEM S. Assessing the Sustainable Infrastructure of a Low Carbon Community: Lynedoch Eco Village Case Study . MPhil, 2019. 121 pp. Studieleier: SWILLING M. Medestudieleier: NAIDOO ML, SEBITOSI AB.
- FOLEY RC. Neopatrimonialism and State Capture: The Case of South African Social Security Agency. MPhil, 2019. 226 pp. Studieleier: SWILLING M.
- MURRAY AC. The blockchain-energy Nexus . MPhil, 2019. 158 pp. Studieleier: SWILLING M. Medestudieleier: DAVIES ML.
- SWARTZ K. Addressing community energy challenges with utility-scale renewables: A case study of Hopefield Wind Farm . MPhil, 2019. 108 pp. Studieleier: SWILLING M. Medestudieleier: WLOKAS H.
- ZELEKE M. The role of Sacred Natural Sites (SNS) and related traditional ecological governance systems and their legal recognition to enhance community wellbeing and resilience . MPhil, 2019. 140 pp. Studieleier: SWILLING M.

| Co - Director: Centre for Complex Systems in Transition (CST)
Prof Reinette (Oonsie) Biggs Tel: 021 808 9607
| - DE VOS A, CLEMENTS HS, BIGGS D, CUMMINGS GS. The dynamics of proclaimed privately protected areas in South Africa over 83 years . Conservation Letters 2019; 12(6):1-10.
- RAUDSEPP-HEARNE C, PETERSON G, BENNETT EM, BIGGS R, NORSTRÖM A, PEREIRA L, VERVOORT J, IWANIEC DM, MCPHEARSON T, OLSSON P, HICHERT T, FALARDEAU M, JIMÉNEZ ACEITUNO A. Seeds of good anthropocenes: developing sustainability scenarios for Northern Europe . Sustainability Science 2019; 2019:13.
SELOMANE AO, REYERS B, BIGGS R, HAMANN M. Harnessing Insights from Social-Ecological Systems Research for Monitoring Sustainable Development. Sustainability 2019; 11:1-36.
SITAS N, HARMACKOVA ZV, ANTICAMARA JA, ARNETH A, BADOLA R, BIGGS R, BLANCHARD R, HAMANN M, KRUGER RM, O FARRELL PJ, ET AL. Exploring the usefulness of scenario archetypes in science-policy processes: experience across IPBES assessments. Ecology and Society 2019; 24(3):1-26.
PEREIRA L, BENNETT EM, BIGGS R, MANGNUS A, NORSTRÖM A, PETERSON G, RAUDSEPP-HEARNE C, SELLBERG M, VERVOORT J. Seeding change by visioning Good Anthropocenes . Solutions 2019; 10(3):14.
VAN DER MERWE SE, BIGGS R, PREISER R, CUNNINGHAME CA, SNOWDEN DJ, O BRIAN K, JENAL M, VOSLOO M, BLIGNAUT S, GOH Z. Making Sense of Complexity: Using SenseMaker as a Research Tool . Systems 2019; 7(25):19
VAN DER MERWE SE. Advancing resilience assessments: the social dimensions of electricity supply in South Africa. PhD, 2019. 217 pp. Promotor: BIGGS R. Medepromotor: PREISER R.
ACHIENG T. Investigating land use change in the Eastern Cape as a regime shift, a case study of Amakhala game reserve . MPhil, 2019. 66 pp. Studieleier: MACIEJEWSKI K. Medestudieleier: BIGGS R, Dyer M.
JARDINE S. Exploring the role of music in fostering resilience in transformative spaces toward improved ecosystem stewardship: A case study of Reforest Fest . MPhil, 2019. 116 pp. Studieleier: PREISER R. Medestudieleier: BIGGS R, Jorritsma M.

| Professor: Environmental Management
Prof Martin De Wit Tel: 021 808 4273 Fax: 021 808 2085
| - DE WIT MP. Omgewingsregeerkunde, die menslike persoon en die sosiale orde: ’n hervertolking. LitNet Akademies 2019; 16(1):1-18.
- DE WIT MP. The Shifting Mind of Economics. In: Visser J, Visser M (eds.) Seeking Understanding. The Lifelong Pursuit to Build the Scientific Mind, Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, Netherlands, 2019: 246-261.

| Professor: Systems Dynamics Modelling
Prof Jospehine Musango Tel: 021 918 4338 Fax: 021 808 2085
| - AMBOLE A, MUSANGO JK, BUYANA K, OGOT M, ANDITI C, MWAU B, KOVACIC Z, SMIT S, LWASA S, NSANGI G, SSEVIIRI H, BRENT AC. Mediating Household Energy Transitions Through Co-Design in Urban Kenya, Uganda and South Africa. Energy Research & Social Science 2019; 55:208-217.
- BATINGE B, MUSANGO JK, BRENT AC. Perpetuating Energy Poverty: Assessing Roadmaps for Universal Energy Access in Unmet African Electricity Markets. Energy Research & Social Science 2019; 55:1-13.
- BATINGE B, MUSANGO JK, BRENT AC. Sustainable Energy Transition Framework for Unmet Electricity Markets. Energy policy 2019; 129:1090-1099.
- JOOSTE AF, DE KOCK IH, MUSANGO JK. A Systematic Literature Review of Sustainable Urban Planning Challenges Associated with Developing Countries. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering 2019; 30(3):253-261.
- KOVACIC Z, MUSANGO JK, AMBOLE LA, BUYANA K, SMIT S, ANDITI C, MWAU B, OGOT M, LWASA S, BRENT AC, NSANGI G, SSEVIIRI H. Interrogating Differences: A Comparative Analysis of Africa's Informal Settlements. World development 2019; 122:614-627.
- PILLAY NS, BRENT AC, MUSANGO JK. Affordability of Battery Electric Vehicles Based on Disposable Income and the Impact on Provincial Residential Electricity Requirements in South Africa. Energy 2019; 171:1077-1087.
- SMIT S, MUSANGO JK, BRENT AC. Understanding Electricity Legitimacy Dynamics in an Urban Informal Settlement in South Africa: A Community Based System. Energy for Sustainable Development 2019; 49:39-52.
- SMIT S, MUSANGO JK, KOVACIC Z, BRENT AC. Towards Measuring the Informal City A Societal Metabolism Approach. Journal of industrial ecology 2019; 23(3):1-12.
- STRYDOM A, MUSANGO JK, CURRIE PK. Conceptualizing Household Energy Metabolism: A Methodological Contribution. Energies 2019; 12(21):no 4125.
- THOMAS VV, DE KOCK IH, BAM L, MUSANGO JK. A System Dynamics Approach to Modelling the Management of the Increased Prediabetic prevalence of the South African Population. In: Pallot M, Zarli A, Razek ARA (eds.) 2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation, Valbonne, France, IEEE 2019: 179:1-8.
- MUSANGO JK, GOH J. A system dynamics approach to understanding plastic waste management in South Africa’s oceans. 7th Annual System Dynamics Conference:“Systems Thinking for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals”, Cape Town, South Africa, South Africa System Dynamics Chapter 2019: 43-48.
- PILLAY NS, BRENT AC, MUSANGO JK. Control Theory and System Dynamics Simulations of Electric Market Penetration in South Africa. In: FLEMING P, LACQUET B, SANEI S, DEB K, JAKOBSSON A (eds.) Smart and Sustainable Engineering for Next Generation Applications, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2019: 403-413.
- STRYDOM A. Understanding household energy metabolism in the city of Cape Town . MPhil, 2019. 113 pp. Studieleier: MUSANGO JK. Medestudieleier: CURRIE PK.

| Professor : Monitoring and Evaluation Prof Babette Rabie Tel: 021 918 4186 Fax: 021 918 4123
| - RABIE B, BURGER A. Benefits of transport subsidisation: Comparing findings from a customer perception survey and Most Significant Change Technique interviews. African Evaluation Journal 2019; 7(1):1-0.
- SICHONE EC. Evaluating the effectiveness of the Malawi Primary Education Policy . MPA, 2019. 115 pp. Studieleier: RABIE B.
- MBAVA NP, RABIE B. Strengthening Impact Evaluations in the South African National Evaluation System. Administratio Publica 2018; 26(4):74-98.
- MBAVA NP. The potential value of the Realist Evaluation Method in programme impact evaluations in South Africa. . PhD, 2017. 212 pp. Promotor: RABIE B.
- DRIVER-JOWITT SB. A Hybrid Revolution Enabling a Sustainable Response to Social Problems through Multiple Entities. MPA, 2017. 149 pp. Studieleier: RABIE B.

| Professor: Development Planning Prof Firoz Khan Tel: 021 808 3037 Fax: 021 808 2085
| - KHAN F, PILLAY P. Corruption and its Repercussions on Employment, Poverty and Inequality: Rwanda and South Africa Compared. Journal of Reviews on Global Economics 2019; 8:1203-1212.
- KHAN F. Neopatrimonialism and corruption: towards a new common sense. Journal of Contemporary African Studies 2018; 36(4):553-562.
- PEREIRA L, CALDERÓN-CONTRERAS R, NORSTRÖM A, ESPINOSA D, WILLIS J, LARA LG, KHAN Z, RUSCH C, PALACIOS EC, AMAYA OP. Chefs as change-makers from the kitchen: indigenous knowledge and traditional food as sustainability innovations . Global Sustainability 2019; 2:e16, 9 pages.
- LEHMANN KE, KHAN F. The Social and Political Conditions of Corruption in Brazil. Administratio Publica 2018; 26(3):231-251.
- KHAN F. The Case of Housing Policy in the ‘New’ South Africa (circa 1992–2003). In: Lewis RJ (ed.) Public Policymaking in a Globalized World, Routledge, London, United Kingdom, 2018: 266-306.
- PILLAY P, KHAN F. Public Policy and Corruption in a Globalized World: Case Studies from South Africa and Rwanda. In: Lewis RJ (ed.) Public Policymaking in a Globalized World, Routledge, London, United Kingdom, 2018: 181-212.
PILLAY P, KHAN F. Public Policy and Corruption in a Globalized World: Case Studies from South Africa and Rwanda. In: Lewis RJ (ed.) Public Policymaking in a Globalized World, Routledge, London, United Kingdom, 2018: 181-202.
SWANEPOEL DW. Assessing public value from the Department of Small Business Development’s export promotion programme. MPA, 2018. 219 pp. Studieleier: KHAN F.
MAYNARD M, KHAN F. Re-imaging Sustainability: Dancing the Melting Shadows of the Green Economy. Archai: The Journal of Archetypal Cosmology 2017; 6:131-161.
KANGOMBE AT. Innovation Capability and Adoption of Innovation in Namibia's Road Freight Transport Industry. PhD, 2017. 204 pp. Promotor: KHAN F.
SHUMUYE M. The Role of the Developmental State in Northern Ethiopia’s Raya Valley Groundwater Irrigation Project: An Institutional Economics Perspective. PhD, 2017. 267 pp. Promotor: SWILLING M. Medepromotor: KHAN F
MANUEL W. Creating Synergies between Sustainable Transitions and Assemblage Urbanism. . MPhil, 2017. 122 pp. Studieleier: KHAN F.

| Professor: Public Finance
Prof Tania Ajam Tel: 021 918 4124 Fax: 021 918 4123
| |

| Professor: Development Planning
Prof Frederik Uys Tel: 021 808 2316 Fax: 021 808 2085
| - VISSER AJ, UYS FM. Collaborative Governance in Reducing Drug-related Crime in the Public Housing Environment in Cape Town. Administratio Publica 2019; 27(1):94-115.
- IWEGBUNA JC. The role of Public Private Partnerships in Service Delivery: The case of the Mitchell's Plain Housing Development Project . MPA, 2019. 326 pp. Studieleier: UYS FM.
- CLOETE HCA, UYS FM. A Collaborative Approach for the Management of Human Resource Development in Local Government. Administratio Publica 2018; 26(3):77-102.
- JESSA F, UYS FM. Public Value Generation: The Outcomes of an Integrated Public Service System. Administratio Publica 2018; 26(1):277-305.
- ZULU VN. An Evaluation of BEE Implementation in Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) of the Tourism Sector: Soweto in South Africa. MPA, 2018. 192 pp. Studieleier: UYS FM.
- ZUMA SPQ. Assessing The Implementation Of The National Youth Service Programme In The Gauteng Province, Department Of Roads And Transport. . MPA, 2017. 226 pp. Studieleier: UYS FM.

| PhD Programme in Sustainable Development
Dr Johan Van Breda Tel: 021 808 4321
| - VAN BREDA JR, SWILLING M. The guiding logics and principles for designing emergent transdisciplinary research processes: learning experiences and reflections from a transdisciplinary urban case study in Enkanini informal settlement, South Africa. Sustainability Science 2018; 13:1-19
- PYLIPOW JM. Facilitating cooperation in transdisciplinary research and evaluating its role in SenseMaker® for a developing world context. . MPhil, 2018. 50 pp. Studieleier: SWILLING M. Medestudieleier: VAN BREDA JR.

| Complex Adaptive Systems(CST)
Dr Rika Preiser Tel: 021 808 9607
| - PREISER R. Identifying general trends and patterns in complex systems research: An overview of theoretical and practical implications . Systems Research and Behavioral Science 2019; 2019:1-9
- KRUGER HA, VERHOEF A, PREISER R. The Epistemological Implications of Critical Complexity Thinking for Operational Research . Systems 2019; 7(5):20p.
- VAN DER MERWE SE, BIGGS R, PREISER R, CUNNINGHAME CA, SNOWDEN DJ, O BRIAN K, JENAL M, VOSLOO M, BLIGNAUT S, GOH Z. Making Sense of Complexity: Using SenseMaker as a Research Tool . Systems 2019; 7(25):19.
- BOHLE M, PREISER R. Exploring Societal Intersections of Geoethical Thinking. In: Bohle M (ed.) Exploring Geoethics: Ethical Implications, Societal Context, and Professional Obligations of the Geosciences, Palgrave Pivot, Cham, Switzerland, 2019: 71-136.
- VAN DER MERWE SE. Advancing resilience assessments: the social dimensions of electricity supply in South Africa. PhD, 2019. 217 pp. Promotor: BIGGS R. Medepromotor: PREISER R.
- JARDINE S. Exploring the role of music in fostering resilience in transformative spaces toward improved ecosystem stewardship: A case study of Reforest Fest . MPhil, 2019. 116 pp. Studieleier: PREISER R. Medestudieleier: BIGGS R, Jorritsma M.
- RICKENS EW. A critical analysis of the discursive strategies for circulating climate change denial . MPhil, 2019. 138 pp. Studieleier: HATTINGH JP. Medestudieleier: PREISER R.
- PEREIRA L, HICHERT T, HAMANN MH, PREISER R, BIGGS R. Using futures methods to create transformative spaces: visions of a good Anthropocene in southern Africa. Ecology and Society 2018; 23(1):art19,13 pages.
- PREISER R, BIGGS R, DE VOS A, FOLKE C. Social-ecological systems as complex adaptive systems: organizing principles for advancing research methods and approaches. Ecology and Society 2018; 23(4):art46,15 pages.
- DER MERWE SE, BIGGS R, PREISER R. A framework for conceptualizing and assessing the resilience of essential services produced by socio-technical systems. Ecology and Society 2018; 23(2):art12, 18 pages.
- WOERMANN ML, HUMAN O, PREISER R. General complexity. A philosophical and critical perspective. Emergence: Complexity and Organization 2019; 21:12 pages.
- VAN DER MERWE SE, BIGGS R, PREISER R. Building social resilience in socio-technical systems through a participatory and formative resilience assessment approach. . Systemic Change Journal 2018; 1(1):34 pages.
- PEREIRA L, BENNETT EM, BIGGS R, PETERSON G, MCPHEARSON T, NORSTRÖM A, OLSSON P, PREISER R, RAUDSEPP-HEARNE C, VERVOORT JM. Seeds of the future in the present: exploring pathways for navigating towards ‘Good’ Anthropocenes. . In: Elmqvist T, Bai X, Frantzeskaki N, Griffith C, Maddox D, McPhearson T, Parnell S, Romero-Lankao P, Simon D, Watkins M (eds.) Urban Planet. Knowledge towards Sustainable Cities, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2018: 327-350.
- PREISER R, PEREIRA L, BIGGS R. Navigating alternative framings of human-environment interactions: Variations on the theme of ‘Finding Nemo’. Anthropocene 2017; 20:83-87.
- LINDOW MJ. Exploring resilience capacities: the art of storymaking with food innovators in the Western Cape. . MPhil, 2017. 177 pp. Studieleier: PREISER R. Medestudieleier: PEREIRA L, BIGGS R
- ODENDAAL PJL. The place where poetries meet: Exploring the contribution of the InZync poetry sessions to socio-cultural transformation in Stellenbosch. . MPhil, 2017. 129 pp. Studieleier: PREISER R

| Lecturer: Organisational Design & Project management
Ms Junay Lange Tel: 021 808 2148 Fax: 021 808 2085
| - DAKU THP. The effects of Total Quality Management on Organisational Performance in the South African Police Service's Forensic Science Laboratory . MPA, 2019. 99 pp. Studieleier: LANGE JO.
- AMADHILA FK. Evaluating the effect of the Micro-finance Scheme Programme for rural entrepreneurs in Oshikoto Region, Namibia . MPA, 2019. 164 pp. Studieleier: LANGE JO.
- MAJOVA BL. An Implementation of the Eastern Cape Rural Development Strategy: Agrarian Transformation and Food Security. MPA, 2018. 107 pp. Studieleier: LANGE JO.
- NXUMALO BL. The Evaluation of the implications of the revised HIV Deployment Policy on the healthcare service of the South African National Defense Force. MPA, 2018. 95 pp. Studieleier: LANGE JO.
- HAUSIKU RN. Evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation process of the inclusive education policy in two schools in the Kavango East Region in Namibia. . MPA, 2017. 109 pp. Studieleier: LANGE JO.
- LEHULERE KZ. How Changing Organisational Culture Could Support the Retention of Designated Groups in the South African Public Sector: A Systematic Review. . MPA, 2017. 128 pp. Studieleier: LANGE JO.

| Lecturer: Diploma in Public Accountability
Mr Werner Burger Tel: 021 918 4126 Fax: 021 918 4123
| - UUSIKU VJ. Implementation Evaluation of the Universal Primary Education Policy at Khomasdal Primary School and Gammams Primary School in the Khomas Region, Namibia. MPA, 2019. 191 pp. Studieleier: BURGER RW
- BURGER RW. Key Variables that Affect Policy Implementation. A Case of Environmental Management Policy in the City of Cape Town. Administratio Publica 2018; 26(2):65-90.

| Senior Programme Coordinator: Research Methodology
Ms Adele Burger Tel: 021 918 4131 Fax: 021 918 4123
| - RABIE B, BURGER A. Benefits of transport subsidisation: Comparing findings from a customer perception survey and Most Significant Change Technique interviews. African Evaluation Journal 2019; 7(1):1-0

| Administrator: Sunlearn and Teaching Support: BPubAdminHons & MPA
Ms Nicole Kernelle Tel: 021 918 4132 Fax: 021 918 4123
| - KERNELLE NC. Alternative Service Delivery Mechanisms: The use of Collaborative Partnerships . MComm, 2019. 162 pp. Studieleier: BURGER APJ.