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Openbare Lesing: Departement Moderne Vreemde Tale Lesing: Departement Moderne Vreemde Tale<p>​Die Departement Moderne Vreemde Tale sal 'n openbare lesing aanbied deur Dr Gavin Bowd (University of St Andrews - Stellenbosch Universiteit) oor</p><h3 style="text-align:center;"><strong>(N)Ostalgie? Communism in French Culture since 1989</strong></h3><p></p>
Taal in die Balkanstate: Lesingreeks deur prof Victor A Friedman in die Balkanstate: Lesingreeks deur prof Victor A Friedman<p>​Prof. Friedman sal gedurende sy besoek drie lesings oor taal in die Balkanstreek aanbied. Die titels van die lesings is as volg:</p><p>"An Introduction to the Linguistic Balkans"</p><p>"The Standardizations of South Slavic: The Politics of the Centripetal and the Centrifugal"</p><span><p>"The Standardizations of Albanian: 1908 - 2015"</p><p>(Let asseblief daarop dat die lesings in Engels aangebied word.)<br></p></span><p>Datums: 17, 18, 19 Maart</p><p>Tyd: 13:00 - 14:00</p><p>Plek: Geologiegebou, Lesingsaal 1004</p><p>Kollegas, studente en die publiek is welkom om die lesings by te woon.</p><p>Vir meer inligting, kontak gerus vir dr Gerda Odendaal:</p><p>Aangebied deur die Departement Afrikaans en Nederlands.<br></p>
Political Science Friday Seminar Science Friday Seminar<p>​​</p> <p>Speaker:      Mrs Akiko Yanai, Research Associate, Stellenbosch University and Senior Research Fellow,<br>                      Institute of Developing Economies, Japan</p><p>Topic:           Trade Preferences for African Countries: EU EPAs and US AGOA</p><p>Date:            4 March 2016</p><p>Time:            12:15 - 13:30</p><p>Venue:         Room 648, Arts & Social Sciences Building</p><p> Contact:  Dr Derica Lambrechts, 808 2476, <a href=""></a></p>
Uitnodiging na gemeenskapsinteraksie-oriënteringsessie na gemeenskapsinteraksie-oriënteringsessie <p>​Die Afdeling Gemeenskapsinteraksie nooi alle nuwe en huidige akademiese en steundienspersoneellede  hartlik uit na ʼn gemeenskapsinteraksie-oriënteringsessie op 1 April 2015. </p><p>Met hierdie geleentheid wil ons deelnemers bekend stel aan gemeenskapsinteraksie as een van die kernfunksies van die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US). Die US is verbind daartoe om sosiale bewustheid en sosiale impak deel te maak van die beoefening van uitnemende onderrig-, leer- en navorsingspraktyke: </p><p><em>"Die Universiteit streef daarna om 'n uitnemende, relevante en </em><em><strong>gemeenskapsinteraktiewe</strong></em><em> universiteit te wees wat daartoe verbind is om 'n beduidende rol in Suid-Afrika, in Afrika en wêreldwyd deur middel van sy kernfunksies te speel. In ooreenstemming met internasionale neigings </em><em><strong>neem</strong></em><em> die Universiteit aktief </em><em><strong>deel</strong></em><em> aan die plaaslike en internasionale ontwikkelingsuitdagings terwyl sosiaal robuuste kennis geproduseer en burgerlikgeoriënteerde graduandi in 'n demokratiese bedeling afgelewer word" (US-beleid oor Gemeenskapsinteraksie, 2009)</em><span style="line-height:1.6;"> </span></p><p>Personeel van die Afdeling Gemeenskapsinteraksie sal ʼn oorsig van gemeenskapsinteraksie aan die US bied en die wye verskeidenheid van geleenthede vir gemeenskapsinteraktiewe onderrig en leer, navorsing en vrywilligerdiens aan die US bekend stel. Ons sal ook die gemeenskapsinteraksie-opleidingsgeleenthede en ‑hulpbronne wat vir ondersteuningspersoneel beskikbaar is uitlig.</p><p>Datum: 1 April 2015<br> Tyd: 09:00-13:00<br> Plek:      LUC 2009</p><p>RSVP asseblief teen 26 Maart 2015 by Howard Gordon by <a href=""><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><font color="#0066cc"></font></span></a>.​</p>
Waar kuns en wetenskapkommunikasie ontmoet kuns en wetenskapkommunikasie ontmoet<p>​​Stories, kuns en teater bied 'n ideale platform om wetenskap effektief en aangrypend te kommunikeer. Dit is waarom ons volgende "Vrydagwetenskap @Stellenbosch" 'n spesiale hoogtepunt gaan wees. Ons gasspreker is Prof Jimmie Earl Perry, Direkteur van Opvoekundige Teater en Kreatiewe Kuns by Stellenbosch Universiteit se Sentrum vir HIV/VIGS-bestuur. Hy sal sy ondervinding van die gebruik van teater om HIV-infeksies te bekamp, kom deel.</p><p>'n Ligte vinger-ete sal voor die geleentheid bedien word. Daar is publieke parkering naby die lokaal by Eikestad Mall.<br></p><p><strong>​RSVP: Rolene Langford per e-pos teen 11 November 2015.</strong><br></p>
Openbare Navorsingseminaar: Departement Moderne Vreemde Tale Navorsingseminaar: Departement Moderne Vreemde Tale<p>​Die Departement Moderne Vreemde Tale sal 'n openbare navorsingseminaar aanbied deur Dr Johanna Steyn (Afdeling Frans - Stellenbosch Universiteit) oor <br><br><strong>From padded feet to duck feet: the translation of Afrikaans novels into French</strong><br><br>Datum: Vrydag 8 Mei 2015<br>Tyd: 12:00 – 12:50 <br>Plek: Lettere en Sosiale Wetenskappe-gebou: Seminaarkamer 551</p>
Ras-onderrig by Stellenbosch: ’n deelnemende benadering by Stellenbosch: ’n deelnemende benadering<p>In hoër onderwys bestaan daar gewoonlik duidelike grense tussen onderrig en navorsing. Hierdie grense kan egter vervaag in deelnemende navorsing en pedagogiese aktiwiteite wat vrae laat ontstaan oor informele en daaglikse onderrig- en leerprosesse met betrekking tot studentwees, ras, geslag, seksualiteit en vele ander dinge op kampus.</p><p>Hierdie aanbieding doen verslag oor 'n voorgraadse (tweedejaar) sosiologiekursus wat ek oor ras by die Universiteit Stellenbosch aangebied het. In hierdie kursus het ek in massa-lesings deelnemende pedagogiese benaderings probeer ontwikkel wat studente as kennisprodusente, mense en denkers oor sleutelkonsepte soos ras wou betrek.</p><p>Een van die ironieë van hierdie kursus is dat dit die einste onderwerp wat onderrig word, bevraagteken. Eerder as dat ek oor ras klasgee en studente my as die deskundige en ras as die onderwerp as vanselfsprekend aanvaar, wou ek studente aanmoedig om krities oor ras en die betekenis(se) wat die konsep vir hulle en ander inhou, te reflekteer.</p><p>Die soorte pedagogiese benaderings wat ek gebruik het en die verskillende wyses waarop studente (en ek) ras in verskeie kursusaktiwiteite en besprekings gekonstrueer het, vorm die basis van my aanbieding.</p><p>Ras is deur verskillende studente, en deur my, op uiteenlopende maniere gekonstrueer en aangespreek, byvoorbeeld as iets wat maak wie hulle is, as absurd, as pynlik, as ontstellend, as regtig onwerklik, as 'n konkrete werklikheid, as denke, as verrassend wanneer rasse gemeng word, as anders as kultuur en as baie dieselfde as kultuur, as generasiegebonde, en as geslagtelik.</p><p>Ek voer aan dat deelnemende vorme van "die onderrig van ras", wat ek in my eie onderrig ontwikkel het, modelle van goeie pedagogiese praktyk in die konteks van kommer oor transformasie kan verskaf. Dit kan gebeur deur vorme van kritiese selfrefleksie deur gesamentlike leer tussen verskillende en diverse studente te bevorder asook deur die voortbring van, vashou aan en betrokke raak by die veelsoortige en teenstrydige maniere waarop verskillende en diverse studente ras konseptualiseer en ervaar.</p><p><strong>​Aanbieder:</strong></p><p>Prof Rob Pattman, Departement Sosiologie en Sosiale Antropologie</p><p><span style="line-height:1.6;">Padkos sal voorsien word.</span><br></p><p><strong>Slegs 10 plekke is beskikbaar. </strong></p><p>Kontak asseblief vir Nothemba Nqayi om u plek te bespreek.</p>
FINLO/FIRLT: versoek vir voorleggings versoek vir voorleggings<p><strong>FINLO/FIRLT</strong></p><p><strong>VERSOEK VIR VOORLEGGINGS VIR FINLO/FIRLT</strong></p><p><strong>22 Mei 2015</strong></p><p>Die Fonds vir Innovasie en Navorsing in Leer en Onderrig (FINLO) is in 2005 gevestig om dosente te ondersteun in hul onderrigrol en om 'n positiewe bydrae tot die bevordering van leer en onderrig aan die US te maak.</p><p><strong>Hoe om vir FINLO aansoek te doen:</strong></p><p>Enige dosent, groep dosente of Sentrum wat verantwoordelik is vir onderrig en leer kan aansoek doen.  Voorleggings van nie langer as 5 bladsye nie moet teen bogenoemde sluitingsdatum ingedien word.</p><p><strong>Riglyne en elektroniese aansoekvorms is beskikbaar by:</strong></p><p><a href=""><span style="text-decoration:underline;"></span></a></p><p>Ondersteuning vir FINLO word aangebied deur die SOL adviseur in u fakulteit of enige van die komiteelede soos gelys op die webblad.</p><p>Daar word van sukesvolle FINLO applikante verwag om hul navorsingsresultate intern aan te bied ten einde 'n bydrae te lewer tot die akademieskap van onderrig en leer aan die US. Suksesvolle applikante word ook aangemoedig om hul navorsingsresultate in nasionale en internasionale joernale te publiseer.</p><p>Datum: 22 Mei 2015</p><p>Tyd:</p><p>Rig alle navrae en stuur voorstelle aan:</p><p>Navrae: Natasha Alberts, Tel: (021) 808 3751, e-pos: <a href=""><span style="text-decoration:underline;"></span></a></p><p> </p>
The Body as Archive: Women as Repository of History and Memory Body as Archive: Women as Repository of History and Memory<p></p><p><strong>The Body as Archive: Women as Repository of History and Memory</strong></p><p>In reflecting on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and on 30 years of democracy, we focus on the stories of Nomonde Calata and Seipati Mlangeni, widows of Bheki Mlangeni and Fort Calata who were murdered by apartheid security forces. Their testimonies at the TRC and their continuing journeys with this traumatic past open up questions about the relationship between trauma, history, and the body as an archive. Their presence and iconic TRC cries will open a dialogue about women's bodies as archives of trauma, history, and collective memory. For this conversation, Nomonde Calata and Seipati Mlangeni will be in conversation with Sisonke Msimang and Prof Tamar Garb.</p><p><strong>More about our Panellists</strong></p><p>Nomonde Calata and Seipati Mlangeni are two remarkable women whose lives have been deeply shaped by the brutal realities of apartheid. As the widows of Fort Calata and Bheki Mlangeni, both of whom were murdered by apartheid security forces, they have transformed their personal grief into powerful testimonies at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). Their ongoing efforts to address social injustices and preserve the memory of their husbands highlight the enduring relationship between trauma, history, and the body as an archive. Their stories serve as a testament to resilience and the power of collective memory.</p><p>Joining the conversation, Sisonke Msimang and Professor Tamar Garb bring their extensive expertise in storytelling, history, and art. Sisonke, an acclaimed author and columnist, delves into themes of race and identity, while Professor Garb, a distinguished historian of art, has extensively explored gender, sexuality, and post-apartheid culture. Together, they will engage with Nomonde and Seipati to explore the ways in which women's bodies hold and transmit the weight of history, trauma, and memory, offering a unique lens on the complex intersections of personal and collective experiences in post-apartheid South Africa.</p><p>To access Nomonde and Seipati's respective "TRC testimonies" and full speaker bios you can <a href="">Click Here</a></p><p><strong><em>To register for both events </em></strong><a href=""><strong><em>Click Here</em></strong></a></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Dance and Music as a Political Voice of Repair</strong></p><p>In the evening session (17:00), Gregory Maqoma, South Africa's greatest dancer-choreographer, and Mandla Mlangeni, award-winning trumpeter, composer and bandleader, will engage with and respond to the earlier conversation in dialogue with the panel.   </p><p><strong>More about our Panellists</strong></p><p>Gregory Maqoma, a world-renowned dancer and choreographer, began his career in 1990 with Moving Into Dance (MID) and founded Vuyani Dance Theatre in 1999. Known for his innovative work that explores cultural identity, Maqoma has collaborated with artists like William Kentridge and earned numerous awards, including the Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres and the 2024 Fleur De Cap Encore Award. Mandla Mlangeni, an award-winning trumpeter, was named Standard Bank Young Artist of the Year for Jazz in 2019. He leads several acclaimed projects, including The Tune Recreation Committee and The Amandla Freedom Ensemble, blending melancholic jazz with vibrant experimentation to celebrate African identity and social consciousness. Together, Maqoma and Mlangeni will offer their unique insights in a dialogue that connects the worlds of dance and music to the broader themes of the earlier conversation.</p><p>For full bios you can <a href="">Click Here</a></p><p><strong><em>To register for both events </em></strong><a href=""><strong><em>Click Here</em></strong></a><br></p><p>​<br></p>
‘The power of perspective’ theme at SU World Press Freedom Day celebration‘The power of perspective’ theme at SU World Press Freedom Day celebration<p>“The power of perspective" is the 2022 theme of the Stellenbosch University (SU) Department of Journalism's annual celebration of World Press Freedom Day on Tuesday, 3 May. </p><p>The event will consist of a panel discussion focusing on constructive and solutions-based approaches to journalism, including an in-built “ethics of care" approach. The panellists are Adriaan Basson, editor-in-chief of News24, Heather Robertson, editor of <em>Daily Maverick168</em>, and Florence de Vries, communications specialist and journalist. The panel discussion will be led by Lizette Rabe, departmental chair.</p><p>The journalism honours students' annual newspaper <em>LIP</em><em> </em>will also be launched at the event. With their 2022 edition of <em>LIP</em>, the BAHons Journalism students want to broaden conventional perspectives on some important socio-economic issues by placing the traditionally marginal at the forefront, aiming to engage constructively with such issues by searching for solutions-based angles to socio-economic challenges.</p><p>The seminar is to be held from from 11:00 to 12:30 at the Department of Journalism, 26 Crozier Street on Tuesday 3 May 2022. Covid-19 protocols will be adhered to and attendance is therefore limited. To confirm attendance, please RSVP to Ms Elizabeth Newman on <a href=""></a> by Friday, 29 April.​<br></p>