Division for Research Development
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Preparing a budget (Full Cost)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ PREPARING BUDGETS 

A detailed budget should be prepared for each research contract that has financial implications. Some funding agencies are very prescriptive regarding which items will be funded and can be included in the budget. It is important to ensure that the budget is complete and includes all possible costs. You are kindly requested to contact the project accountants during the proposal phase for assistance with the preparation of a budget.

The purpose of the policy is to set a standard basis for calculating full costs related to research and research-related contracts at SU.

Under the new Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly Financed Research and Development Act, No. 51 of 2008, any research funded via private funding on a full cost basis, will usually not be subjected to this legislation (refer clause 15.4 of the relevant Act). It is therefore in the interest of SU and its research partners to ensure that the costing of all research and research- related contracts take place on a full cost basis where applicable.


​​ user.png Suzette Els ​​ (Project Accountant)
phone-call.png 021 808 9963
email.pngEmail Suzett​e​

user.png Reinet Uys (Director: Financial Services)
phone-call.png 021 808 9729
email.pngEmail Reinet 
user.png  Audrey Erasmus (Full Cost Accountant)
phone-call.png 021 808 9018
email.png Email Audrey​

user.png Chantal Hugo​ ​(Full Cost Accountant)
phone-call.png 021 808 9368  
email.png Email Chantal​

user.png Eugene Baugaard (Head: Grants Management -Tygerberg)  
phone-call.png 021 938 9126
email.png Email Eugene