Public Squares Initiative
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Public square in gender research: Forging nonviolent communities​

Ending gender based violenc in South Africa

Gender-based violence (GBV) remains a devastating problem in South African society, and interventions from the government are lacking. While there is now a National Strategic Plan on GBV and Intimate Femicide, it is not being rolled out successfully. GBV is a structural problem entrenched in all spheres of society, which means that addressing it requires thinking trans-disciplinarily and creatively. 

This Public Square in Gender Research: Ending gender-based violence, will be a problem-focused platform of multi- and transdisciplinary research and innovation.

The aim is to leverage funding to support the design of various research projects and interventions to decrease this persistent societal challenge.​

​Faculty / School / Department represente​d: ​​

  • AVReQ
  • Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, and others
  • Department of Philosophy​​

Core Stellenbosch University Team:​

  • Dr Anell Daries 
  • Prof Louise du Toit
  • Prof Stella Viljoen ​
