Division for Research Development
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

PowerPoint for Effective Presentations


This workshop is suitable for SU postgraduate students wishing to learn how to create effective PowerPoint slides for formal presentation purposes. This workshop is for beginners and intermediate PowerPoint level SU postgraduate students. lt covers how to use the following PowerPoint functions effectively:

  • Create a new PowerPoint presentation, starting from scratch
  • Explore the PowerPoint interface - know where to find what
  • lnsert text and work with text boxes
  • Add new slides with different layouts
  • lnsert and edit pictures and shapes
  • Be aware of design issues for a good presentation
  • Streamline one's workflow in PowerPoint (working more effectively)
  • Work with images, charts and graphs
  • Work with SmartArt
  • lnsert hyperlinks and navigation links to other slides in PowerPoint or jump to a website
  • Work with transitions and animations
  • Package one's file effectively


This workshop opportunity is funded by the Postgraduate Office.​ There is no cost involved for registered SU postgraduates who sign up and attend, however, in the case of late cancellations or non-attendance, applicants will be responsible for the full workshop fee since late cancellations and non-attendance have considerable cost implications for our office.

Target audience

SU postgraduate students who are working on a formal academic presentation and who need the skills to produce good PowerPoint slides.

Contact and booking details

Booking is essential and places are limited. Please note that we will confirm your place upon receipt of your application. ​​​

Online course format

Course content is made available via SUNLearn to enrolled participants before the virtual question and answer session. Participants then have seven days to work through the course material and exercises on SUNLearn at their own pace before the live question and answer session via Microsoft Teams. The live sessions allow participants to ask the facilitator questions and receive feedback on their exercises. 
Time: 09:00-12:30 

In-person course format

The in-person  workshop takes place over half a day. 
Venue: Stellenbosch central campus (final venue information will be sent to confirmed participants).
Time: 09:00-12:30

Click on the workshop sign-up link below to secure your place.

​​The Postgraduate Skills Development Programme reserves the right to reshedule or to cancel a workshop if there is not enough interest. Registrations close five days before a workshop or when the workshop has reached capacity.

Online 27 March 2025Workshop PowerPoint for Effective Presentations: 27 March 2025
https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Azv6pjwKWEKEM6Eg3_zTSHXGgtVkEVVIkyFc_b0cwcpUNVgxM0szTUZJWVlVNkc1REVJSTUxS01UQiQlQCNjPTEuIn page navigation

For enquirie​s please email pgskills@sun.ac.za.


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