This offering is not available for individual sign-ups in 2021. |
Publishing work in accredited journals is a daunting task for many
academics. Although academics are aware of the imperative to publish,
they often fail to do so due to being ill-prepared for the task (Murray et al.
2008). Often students are familiar with dissertation writing but they
may not have been exposed to the “how to” of writing for publication.
The aim of this workshop, facilitated by Prof Ruth Albertyn, is threefold: to introduce SU Master's and doctoral participants to this genre of writing; to prepare participants for writing for publication; and to guide them in writing an article. By the end of a 4.5 day writing 'retreat', participants can potentially have completed a journal article that is ready for submission to their target journal.
Content related to the following aspects is covered:
- The publication context
- The process of publication
- Journal selection
- The article submission process
- How to write a journal article
Workshop requirements
Applicants should ...
- be at least 2nd year Master's or doctoral students (doctoral students take priority) who are currently busy with their studies and who have progressed well into their research and have completed their data analysis
- have an abstract/executive summary of 100 words (max) for an
article based on this completed research (a title and three keywords
to be included)
- have an example of the guidelines for authors of the journal in
which they could consider publishing (consult your supervisor/colleagues
for advice)
- have a draft article that has been approved by their supervisor
- have a computer to use during the workshop
- have internet Microsoft Teams access for virtual sessions during COVID-19 lockdown
The workshop is presented in English.
This workshop opportunity is funded by the Postgraduate Office. There is no cost involved for registered SU postgraduates who sign up and attend, however, in the case of late cancellations or non-attendance, applicants will be responsible for the full workshop fee since late cancellations and non-attendance have considerable cost implications for our office.
The Postgraduate Skills programme reserves the
right to move a workshop forward or cancel it if there is not enough interest.