Division for Research Development
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Academic writing webinars

​​​​​​​​​​​​How do successful academic writers write?

​Date: 11 April 2024

Time: 10:00-12:00

Format: Online via MS Teams

Do you struggle to write academic texts? If so, you are not alone. This two-hour webinar, presented by Professor Chrissie Boughey, aims to take the fear out of writing and the pressure off you as a writer by introducing you to a range of techniques used by successful writers.  

During the webinar, there will be time for you to discuss problems you have as a writer and time to try out some of the techniques identified by researchers who have observed successful writers writing different kinds of texts in different languages.   

The golden thread of academic argument

​Date: 26 July 2024

Time: 10:00-12:00

Format: Online via MS Teams

A successful thesis or dissertation contains a 'golden thread' of argument holding it together from beginning to end. This webinar, presented by Professor Chrissie Boughey,​ uses the concept of the 'knowledge claim' to explain the following:

i) the way arguments are built throughout a thesis and,

ii) the way expert readers of academic texts analyse and critique what they are reading.  ​

The webinar will take into account the differences in the disciplines and the way these impact on the way knowledge claims are made and arguments are built. 

Target audience of both webinars

Registered SU postgraduate students. 


These webinars are funded by the Postgraduate Office.​​ There is no cost for registered SU postgraduates who sign up and attend.

Contact and booking details

Please note that we will confirm your successful registration on receipt of your application to attend. Booking is essential and places are limited. 

We request that participants be available to attend the live MS Teams sessions on the days to get the most out of them.

Click on the workshop sign-up link(s) below to secure your place(s).

The Postgraduate Skills Development Programme reserves the right to reshedule or to cancel a workshop if there is not enough interest. Registrations close five days before a workshop or when the workshop has reached capacity. 

Successful Writers: 11 April 2024https://www.sun.ac.za/english/research-innovation/Research-Development/Postgraduate%20Skills%20Development/Sign%20up%20(150%20%C3%97%20150%20px).png
https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Azv6pjwKWEKEM6Eg3_zTSHSXyo_Fum5CpLGlmKuR665UNExMRVY4Q0Y5Q01TSTgyTzdPTzFQVEpaSC4uIn page navigation
Golden Thread: 26 July 2024https://www.sun.ac.za/english/research-innovation/Research-Development/Postgraduate%20Skills%20Development/Sign%20up%20(150%20%C3%97%20150%20px).png
https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Azv6pjwKWEKEM6Eg3_zTSHSXyo_Fum5CpLGlmKuR665URVhNRklJSFVaTzNWR1RMN1I2TVg0QjBCVy4uIn page navigation

For enquiries, please email pgskills@sun.ac.za.
