Welcome to Stellenbosch University



Willie Jonker Memorial Lecture Jonker Memorial LectureThe annual Willie D. Jonker Memorial Lecture will take place on Thursday 28 February 2019
Hope? The church as alternative community in a context of disruption The church as alternative community in a context of disruptionChurch pastors, students, academics from schools of religion and all interested persons are invited to the 2021 Winter School, presented by the Faculty of Theology
Fourth Russel Botman Memorial lecture Russel Botman Memorial lectureDr Marlene le Roux, Chief Executive Offiver of Artscape, will be the speaker at the fourth Russel Botman Memorial Lecture.
Russel Botman Memorial Lecture Botman Memorial LectureYou are invited to the annual Russel Botman Memorial Lecture, celebrating the life of Prof Hayman Russel Botman and his vision for Theological Justice.
Faith and Life in Rhythm: On Hip-hop, the Arts, and Theology and Life in Rhythm: On Hip-hop, the Arts, and Theology You are hereby invited to the annual Theological Day of the Faculty of Theology, Stellenbosch University, on MONDAY 3 FEBRUARY 2020 from 08:30 – 12:30 in the Attie van Wijk Auditorium, Faculty of Theology, 171 Dorp Street, Stellenbosch.
A symposium on the theme “A Theology of the Septuagint” symposium on the theme “A Theology of the Septuagint”The conference commences on Friday the 17th of August at 14h00 and runs through to Sunday the 19th of August at 18h00.
Sexual Reformation Conference Reformation ConferenceSexual Reformation? Theological and ethical reflection on human sexuality. This conference will take place at the Faculty of Theology from 6-7 May 2019
Book launch: Religion, Film and Youth launch: Religion, Film and YouthPlease join us for the book launch, Interdisciplinary Reflections on the Interplay between Religion, Film and Youth.
Practices of faith in times of national and global crisis of faith in times of national and global crisisConference hosted by the Gender Unit, Beyers Naudé Centre for Public Theology and the Department of Practical Theology and Missiology, Faculty of Theology from 15-17 March 2021