Welcome to Stellenbosch University

ICT Integration



​​SUNCEP follows a practice-based philosophy of teaching and learning to bridge the gap between theory and practice. SUNCEP courses are offered:

  • in a blended format, consisting of 
    • face to face contact sessions, 
    • telematics or adobe connect sessions, 
    • interactive e-lessons and 
    • e-support. 
  • or fully online format (to be launched in 2019)

​The support process is offered:

  • on-site, via the US telematics or streaming platforms and/or 
  • via different social media platforms. 
    • T​eachers can access these platforms (Facebook, Whatsapp, Yammer etc) via their phones, tablets or computers.


For teachers to be able to use technology in their teaching effectively, SUNCEP has developed interactive material. These are being used in the ADEs and the short courses, not only as resources but also to model the pedagogical sound integration of technological resources. ​ Within some of the courses students are also afforded the opportunity to learn the basics of creating interactive material for their classrooms.

​SUNCEP supports the DBE's focus on Professional Learning Communities (PLCs).  

  • ​In each course, teachers join course-specific WhatsApp groups with their facilitators and mentors.  
  • The aims of these groups are to support participants during the course but also as the start-up point for PLCs.  
  • Teachers are also encouraged to join the SUNCEP Professional Learning Community​ (on the Yammer platform) on completion of a course.


SUNCEP is a data-driven centre and research informs all our practices. Please click on the links below to access  articles and papers on e-learning, that have been published and shared at international  conferences.

  • Gachago, D., Strydom, S., Hanekom, P. W., Simons, S. & Walters, S. 2015. Crossing boundaries: Lecturers' perspectives on the use of WhatsApp to support teaching and learning in Higher Education. Progressio: South African Journal for Open and Distance Learning Practice, 2015, 37(1): 172-187 Available from:
  • Ndlovu, M. & Mostert, I. (In press). Teacher perceptions of Moodle and throughput in a blended learning in-service programme for secondary mathematics. Africa Education Review.​​
  • Ndlovu, M. & Hanekom, P. 2014. Overcoming the limited interactivity of telematic sessions: a case study of an in-service programme for secondary mathematics and science teachers. In L Gómez Chova, A López Martinez & I Candel Torres, Proceedings of the: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN14), pp. 3725-3735, Barcelona, Spain: International Association for Technology, Education and Development (IATED). 7 – 9 July. Available from:
  • Ndlovu M & Mostert I. 7-9 July 2014. (Virtual presentation) The potential of Moodle in a blended learning management system: a case study of an in-service programme for secondary mathematics teachers. 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN2014), Barcelona, SPAIN.

Fully online learning

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