Ancient Studies
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Prof Phlip Bosman

​ ​
Departmental Chair​​

BAHons (Greek & Semitic Languages), BDiv, University of Pretoria
MA (Greek), PhD (New Testament studies), University of Pretoria 

Office: Arts 336

Email: Profile:

Curriculum Vitae

Areas of Specialisation

  • Greek language, literature and history

  • Hellenistic philosophy (Cynic tradition), Alexander, Plutarch, Lucian, Julian

  • Literature and history of early Christianity

Courses Taught in 2021

  • Greek 214 (Intermediate Grammar; Gospel of John)

  • Greek 344 (Miscellaneous texts on love and relationships)

  • Greek 354 (Daimōn through the ages)

  • Ancient Cultures 251/351 (Greek mythology)

  • Honours Ancient Cultures: Ancient biography

Current Research Projects

  • Who was Plutarch's Alexander (book chapter for Cambridge Companion to Alexander the Great)

  • Alexander and the Philosophers (commissioned for the British Museum exhibition Alexander the Great: Legend of a Life, 2022)

  • Prodicus and the 'two roads' tradition

Selected Publications - Books

IntellectualandEmpire.jpgP.R. Bosman (ed.)

Intellectual and Empire in Greco-Roman Antiquity

London: Routledge


Ancient_Routes_to_Happiness.jpgP.R. Bosman (ed.) 

Ancient Routes to Happiness

Acta Classica Supplementum VIII

London: Routledge.


Corruption_and_Integrity_in_Ancient_Greece.jpgP.R. Bosman (ed.) 

Corruption and Integrity in Ancient Greece and Rome

Acta Classica Supplementum IV 

Pretoria: V&R Printing Works


ConscienceinPhiloandPaul.jpgP.R. Bosman

Conscience in Philo and Paul

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe 166.

Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck​


(ebook edition - 2019)


Selected Publications - Articles and Essays

  • 'The philosophical tradition'. In D. Ogden (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Heracles. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2021. 

  • 'Philo's Flaccus: Trauma, Justice, and Revenge'. In A. Karanika and V. Panoussi (eds.), Emotional Trauma in Greece and Rome: Representations and Reactions. Oxford/New York: Routledge. 2020. 

  • 'Julian's Cynics: Remembering for future purposes', in B. Neil and K. Simic (eds.), Memories of Utopia: The Revision of Histories and Landscapes in Late Antiquity. London: Routledge. 2020.

  • 'Value-added divination at Dodona'. In R. Evans (ed.) Prophets and Profits. Ancient Divination and its Reception. London: Routledge. 2018.

  • 'Greeks, Romans, and Volks-Education in the Afrikaanse Kinderensiklopedie', in Parker, G. (ed.), South Africa, Greece and Rome: Classical Confrontations. Cambridge University Press. 2017.

  • 'Tailored for school: Lucian's Jupiter Tragoedus and Jupiter Confutatus', in E. Marquis &​ A. Billault (eds.), Mixis: Lucien de Samosate et le mélange des genres. Paris: Demopolis. 2017.

  • 'Ancient Cynicism: Elitist or for the masses?', in Evans, R.J. (ed.), Mass & Elite in Antiquity. London: Ashgate. 2017.

  • 'The Dodona bronze revisited'. Acta Classica 59 (2016), 184-192.

  • 'Ancient debates on autarkeia and our global impasse'. Phronimon 16 (2015), 16-28.

  • 'Naphtha and narrative art in Plut. Alex, 35'. Acta Classica 57 (2014), 16-30.

  • 'The School of Athens: Moments in the history of an idea'. Akroterion 59 (2014), 67-87.

  • 'Lucian among the Cynics: The Zeus Refuted and Cynic tradition'. Classical Quarterly 62.2 (2012), 785-795.

  • 'The gymnosophist riddle contest (Berol. P. 13044): A Cynic text?'. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 50 (2010), 175-192.

  • 'Kings meets Dog: The origin of the meeting between Alexander and Diogenes'. Acta Classica 50 (2007), 51-63.

  • 'Selling Cynicism: The pragmatics of Diogenes' comic performances'. Classical Quarterly 56.1 (2006), 93-104.


  • ​​Chancellor's Prize for Excellence in Research, UNISA College of Human Sciences (2008; 2012)

  • National Research Foundation Rating (B)​

