Departmental Chair
BAHons (Greek & Semitic Languages), BDiv, University of Pretoria
MA (Greek), PhD (New Testament studies), University of Pretoria
Office: Arts 336
Email: Profile:
Curriculum Vitae
Areas of Specialisation
Greek language, literature and history
Hellenistic philosophy (Cynic tradition), Alexander, Plutarch, Lucian, Julian
Literature and history of early Christianity
Courses Taught in 2021
Greek 214 (Intermediate Grammar; Gospel of John)
Greek 344 (Miscellaneous texts on love and relationships)
Greek 354 (Daimōn through the ages)
Ancient Cultures 251/351 (Greek mythology)
Honours Ancient Cultures: Ancient biography
Current Research Projects
Who was Plutarch's Alexander (book chapter for Cambridge Companion to Alexander the Great)
Alexander and the Philosophers (commissioned for the British Museum exhibition Alexander the Great: Legend of a Life, 2022)
Prodicus and the 'two roads' tradition
Selected Publications - Books
P.R. Bosman (ed.)
Intellectual and Empire in Greco-Roman Antiquity
London: Routledge
P.R. Bosman (ed.)
Ancient Routes to Happiness
Acta Classica Supplementum VIII
London: Routledge.
P.R. Bosman (ed.)
Corruption and Integrity in Ancient Greece and Rome
Acta Classica Supplementum IV
Pretoria: V&R Printing Works
P.R. Bosman
Conscience in Philo and Paul
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe 166.
Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck
(ebook edition - 2019)
Selected Publications - Articles and Essays
'The philosophical tradition'. In D. Ogden (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Heracles. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2021.
'Philo's Flaccus: Trauma, Justice, and Revenge'. In A. Karanika and V. Panoussi (eds.), Emotional Trauma in Greece and Rome: Representations and Reactions. Oxford/New York: Routledge. 2020.
'Julian's Cynics: Remembering for future purposes', in B. Neil and K. Simic (eds.), Memories of Utopia: The Revision of Histories and Landscapes in Late Antiquity. London: Routledge. 2020.
'Value-added divination at Dodona'. In R. Evans (ed.) Prophets and Profits. Ancient Divination and its Reception. London: Routledge. 2018.
'Greeks, Romans, and Volks-Education in the Afrikaanse Kinderensiklopedie', in Parker, G. (ed.), South Africa, Greece and Rome: Classical Confrontations. Cambridge University Press. 2017.
'Tailored for school: Lucian's Jupiter Tragoedus and Jupiter Confutatus', in E. Marquis & A. Billault (eds.), Mixis: Lucien de Samosate et le mélange des genres. Paris: Demopolis. 2017.
'Ancient Cynicism: Elitist or for the masses?', in Evans, R.J. (ed.), Mass & Elite in Antiquity. London: Ashgate. 2017.
'The Dodona bronze revisited'. Acta Classica 59 (2016), 184-192.
'Ancient debates on autarkeia and our global impasse'. Phronimon 16 (2015), 16-28.
'Naphtha and narrative art in Plut. Alex, 35'. Acta Classica 57 (2014), 16-30.
'The School of Athens: Moments in the history of an idea'. Akroterion 59 (2014), 67-87.
'Lucian among the Cynics: The Zeus Refuted and Cynic tradition'. Classical Quarterly 62.2 (2012), 785-795.
'The gymnosophist riddle contest (Berol. P. 13044): A Cynic text?'. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 50 (2010), 175-192.
'Kings meets Dog: The origin of the meeting between Alexander and Diogenes'. Acta Classica 50 (2007), 51-63.
'Selling Cynicism: The pragmatics of Diogenes' comic performances'. Classical Quarterly 56.1 (2006), 93-104.
Chancellor's Prize for Excellence in Research, UNISA College of Human Sciences (2008; 2012)
National Research Foundation Rating (B)