Journal Articles, Book Chapters, Conference Proceedings
1. ANDRASON A. Towards the Ocean of the Biblical Hebrew Verbal System. Folia Orientalia 2015; 52:11-32.
2. ANDRASON A, LYLE K. Functional Schizophrenia of Biblical Hebrew יִ לְּ ב and Its Cognitive Modelling: Part 1. Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 2015; 41(1):1-36.
3. ANDRASON A, LYLE K. Functional Schizophrenia of Biblical Hebrew יִ לְּ ב and Its Cognitive Modelling: Part 2. Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 2015; 41(2):1-30.
4. ANDRASON A, VAN DER MERWE CHJ. The Semantic Potential of Verbal Conjugations as a set of Polysemous Senses: The Qatal in Genesis. Hebrew Studies 2015; 56:71-88. ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 34
5. COOK J. The Intention, Genre, Dating and Provenance of 2 and 4 Maccabees. Journal for Semitics/Tydskrif vir Semitistiek 2015; 24(1):216-236.
6. COOK J. A theology of the Greek version of Proverbs. HTS Teologiese StudiesTheological Studies 2015; 71(1): Art. #2971, 11 pages.
7. CORNELI G. ¿Dónde está Platón? Enseñanza pública en la Academia de Platón. In: Arraras A, Braicovich RS (eds.) Conocimiento, ética y estética en la Filosofía Antigua: Actas del II Simposio Nacional de Filosofía Antigua. Rosario 2015, Argentina, Asociación Argentina de Filosofía Antigua 2015: 331-350.
8. CORNELIUS I. Revisiting the Seated Figure from Hirbet Salih /Ramat Rahel. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palastina-Vereins 2015; 131(1):29-43.
9. DU PLESSIS A, SLABBERT R, SWANEPOEL LC, ELS J, BOOYSEN GJ, IKRAM S, CORNELIUS I. Three-dimensional model of an ancient Egyptian falcon mummy skeleton. Rapid Prototyping Journal 2015; 21(4):368-372.
10. IKRAM S, SLABBERT R, CORNELIUS I, DU PLESSIS A, SWANEPOEL LC, WEBER H. Fatal force-feeding or Gluttonous Gagging? The death of Kestrel SACHM 2575. Journal of Archaeological Science 2015; 63:72-77.
11. KOTZE A. Protreptiek en paranese: perspektiewe op die wending in boek 10 van Augustinus se Confessiones. Litnet Akademies 2015; 12(3):585-606.
12. KOTZE A. Three Instances of Greek Autobiographical Writing from the Fourth Century BCE. Classical World 2015; 109(1):39-67.
13. KOTZÉ GR. Comments on the Expression of Hope in LXX Lamentations 5:19-22. Old Testament Essays (New Series) 2015; 28(1):121-153.
14. KOTZÉ GR. Lion Imagery in 1 Maccabees 3:4. Journal for Semitics/Tydskrif vir Semitistiek 2015; 24(1):326-351.
15. KRUGER PA. Emotions in the Hebrew Bible: A Few Observations on Prospects and Challenges. Old Testament Essays (New Series) 2015; 28(2):395-420.
16. LOCATELL C. Jeremiah 31:34, New Covenant Membership, and Baptism. Scriptura: International Journal of Bible, Religion and Theology in Southern Africa 2015; 114:1-14.
17. LYLE K. Benefits of Principled Analysis of Biblical Hebrew Prepositions. Journal for Semitics/Tydskrif vir Semitistiek 2015; 24(2):403-426.
18. MASTERS S, WELMAN T. Disrupting context: making a case for the digital curation of classical antiquities in South Africa. Akroterion: Journal for the Classics in South Africa 2015; 60:83-99.
19. RUNGE S. The Exegetical Significance of Synoptic Differences from the Standpoint of Discourse Grammar. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 2015; 58(2):325-334.
20. RUNIA D. Cosmos, logos, and nomos: The Alexandrian Jewish and Christian appropriation of the Genesis creation account. In: Fuhrer T, Erler M (eds.) Cosmologies et Cosmogonies dans La Littérature Antique, Fondation Hardt, Vandœuvres, Switzerland, 2015: 179-217.
21. SLABBERT R, SWANEPOEL LC, CORNELIUS I. Wat maak jou mummie? 'n Oorsig van die stand van mummienavorsing aan die hand van die 8ste wêreldkongres. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 2015; 55(1):1-14.
22. STIPP H. Zwei alte Jeremia-Erzählungen: Jeremia 28* und 36*. Fallstudien zum Ursprung der Jeremia-Erzähltradition. Biblica 2015; 96(3):321-350.
23. THOM JC. Paul and Popular Philosophy. In: Breytenbach JC (ed.) Paul's GraecoRoman Context (62 Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense), Leuven, Belgium, Peeters 2015: 47-74.
24. THOM JC. Abraham Malherbe se bydrae tot Hellenistiese filosofie en die vroeë Christendom. HTS Teologiese Studies-Theological Studies 2015; 71(1): Art. #2996, 6 pages