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The in vitro inhibition of adrenal steroidogenic enzymes and modulation of adrenal hormone production by Scele

Biochemistry Forum:  MSc Defences

MSc Student:  Inge Johannes

Title: The in vitro inhibition of adrenal steroidogenic enzymes and modulation of adrenal hormone production by Sceletium tortuosum

Supervisor:  Prof AC Swart

Co-superviosr: Prof C Smith

Student:  Rachelle Gent

Title: An investigation into the catalytic activity of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase towards C11-oxy C19 and C11-oxy C21 steroids

Supervisor:  Prof AC Swart

Date:  Tuesday 13 February 2018

Time:  13:00

Venue:  Biochemistry Seminar Room A111, JC Smuts Building

Contact person:  Prof Donita Africander, Tel: 021 8085862/5882
