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BOOK LAUNCH: Johannes Meintjes
Start: 19/05/2023, 18:00
End: 19/05/2023, 20:00
Contact:US Museum - 021 808 3029
Location: University Museum

The Stellenbosch University Museum invites you to the launch of Johannes Meintjes DAGBOEKE, a collection of the artist's journal entries.

The South African painter Johannes Petrus Meintjes (19 May 1923 to 7 July 1980) was also historian and author, and his body of work includes twelve diaries, nine parts of which remained unpublished. Meintjes self‑published three volumes through his Bamboesberg publishing business in Molteno.

His first diary entry was on 13 February 1941 in Dagboek Deel 1 (published in 1961), while the last entry was recorded in Deel 12 (unpublished) on 5 July 1980, two days prior to his death.

In the end, it was Meintjes's entry, “When I started on the Diary, I never realised that it would become my monument. If it were ever to appear as a single volume, who knows, it can be cut drastically..."( 30 January 1964, Diary Part IV, unpublished), that proved to be the inspiration behind the publication entitled Johannes Meintjes DAGBOEKE.

The various diaries, published and unpublished, represent a collected work that tells the story of Johannes Meintjes's life in its entirety. The focus is on the people he met, and comments about political events and matters of faith. The compilers steered clear of deeply personal, nonsensical or malicious comments, while toning down accounts of his extensive social activities. The experience of pain and sadness is touched on briefly where appropriate. There are also references to health or financial issues that affected Meintjes's creativity.

The compiler of the text, LM de Waal, was assisted by MRJ Opperman (responsible for images, and archivist of the Johannes Meintjes website).

Date:                     Friday 19 May 2023

Time:                    18:00

Venue:                 Stellenbosch University Museum, 52 Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch

RSVP to tel 021 808 3029 or e-mail

USUNGULO LWENCWADI: 19 Meyi 2023, IMyuziyam yeSU

Johannes Meintjes DAGBOEKE

IMyuziyam yeYunivesithi yaseStellenbosch iyakumema kusungulo lweJohannes Meintjes DAGBOEKE, ingqokelela yoolindixesha bamagcisa.

Umzobi waseMzantsi Afrika uJohannes Petrus Meintjes (19 Meyi 1923 ukuya kutsho nge7 Julayi 1980) wayengusozimbhali nombhali, yaye ingqokelela yomsebenzi wakhe yayiquka iidayari ezilishumi elinesibini, iinxalenye yazo ezilithoba ezasala zingapapashwanga. Imiqulu emithathu wazipapashela uMeintjes kwishishini lakhe lokupapasha iBamboesberg eMolteno.

Idayari yakhe yokuqala yayiyeye13 Febhruwari 1941 kwiDagboek Deel 1 (eyapapashwa ngo1961), ngoxa eyokugqibela yabhalwa kwiDeel 12 (engapapashwanga) nge5 Julayi 1980, kwiintsuku ezimbini ngaphambi kokusweleka kwakhe.

Ekugqibeleni, athi amanqaku kaMeintjes, “Ukuqalisa kwam iDagboek, andizange ndiqonde ukuba iza kuba sisikhumbuzo sam. Ukuba yonke le ngqokelela iza kuvela kumqulu omnye, kwazi bani oku kuya kufuna ukuba ichetywe kakhulu ..." (Januwari 30, 1964 kwiDagboek Deel IV, engapapashwanga), eye yangqineka ikhuthaza ukupapashwa kweJohannes Meintjes DAGBOEKE.

Iidayari ezahlukeneyo, ezipapashiweyo nezingapapashwanga, zimela umsebenzi oqokelelweyo obalisa ibali lobomi bukaJohannes Meintjes ngokupheleleyo. Ingqalelo ikubantu awadibana nabo, namagqabaza ngeziganeko zopolitiko nemiba yezonqulo. Abaqulunqi bakuphepha ukwenza amagqabaza anzulu, angekho ngqiqweni nawenzakalisayo ngoxa bezigalela amanzi izinto awazenzayo ezininzi ekuhlaleni. Iintlungu nodandatheko zichazwa nje ngokufutshane apho kuyimfuneko. Kanti kukwabhekiselwa kwimiba yezempilo okanye eyezimali echaphazela ubugcisa bukaMeintjes.

Umqulunqi wenkcazelo, uLM de Waal, wayencediswa nguMRJ Opperman (ojongene nemifanekiso nomnyamekeli wovimba wewebhusayithi kaJohannes Meintjes).

Umhla:                 NgoLwesihlanu, 19 Meyi 2023

Ixesha:                 18:00

Indawo:               IMyuziyam yeYunivesithi yaseStellenbosch, 52 Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch

RSVP kule nombolo 021 808 3029 okanye kule imeyili​​​