From additional computer user areas to the construction of gender-neutral bathrooms, the newly refurbished Stellenbosch University (SU) Library and Information Service supports the Library's mission to “provide and sustain state-of-the-art spaces and technologies that allow users with diverse needs to discover and create knowledge effectively".
The renovation of this facility, which is on par with world-class academic libraries, was completed last month.
These renovations form part of the Campus Renewal Project and ongoing visual redress on SU's campuses. At the same time, the refurbished Library is aligned with SU's mission of offering innovative and world-class research, teaching and learning.
According to Siviwe Bangani, Director of Research Services at the SU Library, students and other library visitors will benefit from the upgraded facilities and their comprehensive and premium quality support services.
“With these renovations, we have spaces that promote integration and collaboration and bridge the gap between students' in-class and Library experience. Ultimately, the renovations align the Library strategically with SU's Vision 2040 of a thriving university."
Bangani added that the Library is now a more welcoming and user-friendly space for students and researchers. “The renovated Library is in line with international library trends of promoting collaborative student learning and research through creative and stimulating spaces."
What is new?
The Library has undergone various internal upgrades over the years, arising from its ongoing investigation into new technological developments to improve services to staff and students, adapt to changing needs and demands and help advance academic excellence.
The latest upgrades to the Library's infrastructure include:
- An upgraded mechanical ventilation system.
- New turnstile entrances and a new security area.

- A new circulation and information counter with automatic lending facilities.
- Revamped gender-neutral restrooms on the top floor, as well as revamped restrooms on the lower level.
- New flooring and additional computer workstations were added to the study and work areas.
- Acoustic panels and a ramp have been installed to reduce noise levels.
- New reading spaces near the Library's entrance have been installed to enhance a reading culture.
- Three new local area network (LAN) rooms were added to improve network reception.
- AgriSciences and Science Librarians' offices on the upper level were refurbished, while new offices were constructed for research support librarians.
According to Bangani, the Library staff members are thrilled about the changes, including renovations in their workspaces. Likewise, students are delighted with the new spaces, and the usage of these spaces has been commendable. Many clients have already commended the Library for the improvements, said Bangani.
“The Library has again demonstrated that it is a user-centric entity that cares about the users' needs. The ball is now in their court to use the spaces. As the Library and Information Service, whether through our spaces, resources or services, we want to contribute to increased throughput and output rates of students," Bangani concluded.
For more information on the new Library, click here.