Stellenbosch University (SU) takes a zero-tolerance approach to racism on campus. The university has implemented comprehensive measures to combat racism and continues to improve those measures on an ongoing basis.
Based on this past week's traumatic events, the University acknowledges the right of staff and students to participate in peaceful protests, provided that administrative and academic activities are not disrupted; that actions do not lead to any risks to the safety of staff and students, or university property; and that the rights of students to study or attend classes are not infringed.
While protests and public discourse on this matter have been peaceful, the University emphasises and can assure all students and parents that our residences and campuses are safe. Our campus security team remains vigilant.
Campus Security maintains continuous communication with student leaders. It is understandable that students may experience feelings of vulnerability due to the past week's events," says Prof Stan du Plessis, Chief Operating Officer. “The safety of students and staff remains a primary concern of the University's management. In this regard, the University has invested substantially in safety and security measures over the last few years. Safety and security arrangements are also reviewed continuously, while awareness campaigns are conducted on a regular basis. Campus safety – and in that regard safety in general in South Africa – is also everyone's responsibility. Students, staff and the public are reminded to be vigilant in all circumstances as they are active partners in campus safety."
Apart from the general safety measures on campus, each residence would also have its own set of safety measures. These include among others, access control (card access; door monitors at some residences, etc), early alert systems, WhatsApp groups, safety drills and safety committees,
Students are advised to save these important numbers on their phones:
Stellenbosch 24-hour emergency 021 808 2333
Toll-free number 0800 02 58 27
WhatsApp pedestrian service 082 808 2333
General enquiries 021 808 4202
Tygerberg 24-hour emergency 021 938 9507
Toll-free number 0800 00 67 67
WhatsApp pedestrian service 083 938 1841