Stellenbosch University
Welcome to Stellenbosch University
Library services and resources during temporary building closure
Author: Corporate Communication / Korporatiewe Kommunikasie
Published: 20/03/2020

Due to the latest developments regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and the necessity for social distancing to keep the infection curve down, a decision has been made to close all library buildings from Saturday, 21 March 2020 until further notice. Library staff will continue to provide services and resources to support students and staff, as outlined below.

Contacting us 

You can contact the Library for assistance through our 24-hour online reference service, Ask a Librarian, by telephone and via Twitter and Facebook. Faculty Librarians can be emailed or called directly for information services.

Electronic resources

The Library’s electronic resources remain fully accessible via the library website, on and off-campus. For guidance in accessing e-resources, make use of the Off-campus access for Stellenbosch registered users guide. Please consult the Coronavirus (COVID-19): Library services and contacts guide for information regarding freely available resources.


Some publishers have lifted restrictions on the use of their material during this period. For example, all 700 Cambridge University Press textbooks will be freely available until 31 May 2020.

Information services, information literacy and research support

Consult the Find, access and use information effectively: a step-by-step guide and refer to library guides.

Consult the Library’s training calendar and book to participate in a library webinar. Scheduled library training sessions from 30 March will be provided as online or recorded sessions. Your Faculty Librarian or trainer will communicate with you.

Renewing books

Library books can be renewed online (twice per item, unless someone else has requested the item).

Off-campus document delivery

If you need books from the Library and would rather remain at home, register for off-campus document delivery so that the books can be couriered to you. Scans of journal articles and chapters from books in printed format can also be emailed to you.

Returning books

You may prefer to return your library books after hours without social contact. Make use of the book returns deposit box at the entrance to each library to return your books.