Stellenbosch University
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SUNFin achieves its first milestone!
Author: Mr Manie Lombard – Chief Director: Finance/ Mnr Manie Lombard – Hoofdirekteur: Finansies
Published: 30/07/2019

​​​The SUNFin Implementation Project achieved its first milestone with the completion of the Cloud Process Alignment (CPA) workshops in June. 

The SUNFin project team, comprising representatives from Finance, Information Technology, HR, Faculty Management and Facilities Management obtained a good baseline understanding of how the new financial system will work and what changes we might need to make to our current business processes in order to implement the new system successfully.

One of the key outputs from the CPA workshops was a list of Actions & Decisions for both SU and Visions Consulting to address. The project team prioritised the work packages on the Actions & Decisions List required to prepare for configuration of Iteration 1 of the Oracle Cloud Financials application by Visions Consulting. Configuration of the system is scheduled to start towards the end of August 2019.

During July, the SUNFin project team mobilised a number of new workstreams that will focus on completing the work packages prioritised for Iteration 1.  These include: Business Optimisation; System Integration; Data Management; Training; Testing; and Reporting Requirements.  These workstream teams are representative of the faculties and relevant divisions within SU.

In August and September, the SUNFin workstreams will focus on the work required to deliver Iteration 1 of the SUNFin system containing SU data. In October the team will have the opportunity to review Iteration 1. Several Project Update sessions are being scheduled before the end of the year to provide an update on the project and an overview of Iteration 1 to a wider group of stakeholders.

For the remainder of 2019 the SUNFin team will work on streamlining Iteration 1, cleansing data and re-designing business processes to align to the new SUNFin system.

The configuration of Iteration 2 of the SUNFin system is planned to be delivered in February 2020. Iteration 2 will include a more complete version of the financial system, including some integrations with existing systems. 

For more information on the SUNFin Implementation Project, please visit

Please email any questions, comments or concerns you may have regarding the SUNFin project to