The Unit for Construction Materials (UCM) recently hosted colleagues from Bath University's BRE Centre for Innovative Construction Materials (BRE CICM) for a workshop at STIAS, with the purpose of identifying possible areas of research collaboration within innovative construction materials. Bath University is one of Stellenbosch University's Key Partners and future collaboration would be of great value to both institutions. BRE CICM was represented by Prof Andrew Heath, Dr Bhavna Sharma and Dr Kevin Paine, whereas UCM was represented by Prof Billy Boshoff, Dr Riaan Combrinck, Wibke de Villiers and Algurnon van Rooyen.
Many common interests between the two research units were discovered and possible areas of collaboration that were identified include the self-healing of plastic settlement and shrinkage cracking, developing appropriate standards for alternative masonry units, fibre reinforced concrete and structural applications of alkali activated materials. Initial plans have been made to exchange more information on these topics and collaborate on a number of publications to pave the way for further expansion of the research partnership.