Stellenbosch University
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Two astronomers join SU’s physics department as extraordinary faculty members
Author: Faculty of Science (media & communication)
Published: 27/01/2025

​The Department of Physics in Stellenbosch University's Faculty of Science is pleased to welcome two astronomers into its academic ranks: Dr Rob Adam, who joins as an honorary professor, and Dr. Charles Takalana, as an extraordinary lecturer.

Dr Adam has led a long, distinguished career where has played a pivotal role in the development of science and technology in South Africa. He has served in various positions which include deputy director general of Science and Technology (1996), director general of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology, chief executive of the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation, director of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) South Africa, and director of the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory.

In recognition of his achievements Dr Adam was awarded the degree Doctor of Science, honoris causa, by the Faculty of Science at Stellenbosch University, in December 2023. Given his widespread accomplishments in scientific research, policy development and governance, Dr Adam is ideally placed to contribute to the growth of the Department of Physics in the fields of [JS1] nuclear physics and astrophysics. Dr Adam is also making a significant contribution as an advisor to the Paarl Africa Underground Laboratory (PAUL) consortium, in which the Department of Physics is playing a leading role.

Dr Charles Mpho Takalana has a background in astronomy and astrophysics, with research centred on probing the cosmological 21 cm background signal from the Dark Ages (DA) and the Epoch of Reionization (EoR), using differential observations of galaxy clusters through the SZE-21cm, a form of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect.

He served as Head of the Secretariat at the African Astronomical Society (AfAS) during 2021-2023. He was also an Astronomy Policy Researcher at the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) and the South African Department of Science and Innovation (DSI). In this role, he supported the implementation of the South African Multi-wavelength Astronomy Strategy and the development of a vibrant astronomy community with the technical capacity to implement various astronomy projects. He is currently serving as Deputy Director at the International Astronomical Union - Office of Astronomy for Development (IAU-OAD).

With his focus on 21-cm astrophysics and galaxy formation and evolution, Dr Takalana will collaborate with the astrophysics group within the department and teach undergraduate students.

Prof. Yin-Zhe Ma, professor of astrophysics in the Department of Physics, says the presence of both scientists will be invaluable in enhancing the scientific and educational outputs of the department. Dr Adam and Dr Takalana[JS2]  will also serve as important role models to inspire the next generation of scientists and astronomers.