Stellenbosch University
Welcome to Stellenbosch University
Mariëtte is our team’s working mother
Author: Petro Mostert
Published: 05/12/2024

Mariëtte du Plessis  
Personal Assistant to the Director:  Financial Planning and Budgeting in our Finance Division 

Annemi Murray, who nominated Mariette, writes: "I would like to nominate Mariette and acknowledge the absolute stalwart she is within our department and also the greater Finance Division.” 

“The last two to three years, the SUNFin project has posed tremendous challenges to our office, and Mariette has simply taken the lead and initiative to manage the day-to-day activities of the department and make sure inquiries are handled or referred, deadlines are achieved, meeting papers are prepared and submitted. But more than the day jobs, it was her humanity that emerged.   

She is really everyone in the team's working mother. The way she treats everyone with an open heart, gives advice, encourages, motivates (and believe me, there were some days on the project where this was difficult!), dry tears, the ear and the shoulder are for taking care of problems, bring coffee, keep me calm and peaceful. She handled work up calmly and professionally and made a plan for the person to be helped. The list goes on, but in short, we want to acknowledge Mariette for everything she does and means to all of us every day. She is truly the glue that binds the team together." 
