Stellenbosch University
Welcome to Stellenbosch University
Courtney goes the extra miles for excellent service
Author: Petro Mostert
Published: 05/12/2024

Courtney Meder 
Learning Technology Specialist in the Director: Information Technology’s general support Services environment 

Courtney Meder has shown his dedication to helping the IT Division build service management practices across the University. He helped create the cadence around following the best practices, processes, and procedures extended to the cross-functional collaboration between IT and critical stakeholders.  

Courtney goes the extra mile in helping stakeholder translate their requirements and does the training, walkthroughs and process mapping. An example of his initiative was streamlining the privacy impact assessment that contributes to the ethical clearance processes for our research. He can prioritise the requirements depending on the alignment to the strategic initiatives or ad hoc requests arising from an emergency. 

Courtney started his career here as a support technician but has grown in confidence to work with significant independence. ​