Academic misconduct by student
In the Central Disciplinary Committee (CDC) meeting held on 1 December 2022 at 10:00 via MS Teams, the CDC was unanimous in the finding that a student committed academic misconduct in the form of cheating for the Mathematics for EMS 171 A2S2 exam written in room 1027 in the Schumann Annex building, on 5 November 2022.
It was common cause that the implicated student had their phone on during the said exam and, used notes on this phone to complete the assessment.
The findings were:
- The student forfeits the Mathematics for EMS 171 module for which they enrolled in the 2022 academic year.
- The student gets a suspended suspension for a period of 12 months on condition that the student is not found guilty of any academic misconduct during his time as a student in the university.
- The student must, within (7) days of receipt of this sanction, submit a written apology to the lecturer(s) responsible for the Mathematics for EMS 171 module, and copy Ms Felicia van Rooi in the email.
- The student must conduct 100 hours of community service assigned to them by Student Discipline during and before the end of the 2023 academic year.
- The outcome of the CDC shall be published on the digital noticeboard of the EMS faculty with the name of the student redacted.