Stellenbosch University
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Mathematics and Art in Africa
Start: 25/01/2024, 15:00
End: 25/01/2024, 16:00
Contact:Prof. James Gray -
Location: Mathematical Sciences & Industrial Psychology Building, Room 1006

The Mathematics Division invites you to a talk by Prof. Steven Bradlow from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the United States with the title “Mathematics and Art in Africa"


Many motifs in African decorative traditions display very distinctive order. Mathematics provides an effective language for describing this order. This two-way relationship is the basis for a course I'm currently teaching at AIMS. I will describe what we do in the course and also discuss some other directions that could be pursued. We will look at several examples, including Ndebele house decorations, basketry from southern Mozambique, Chokwe sona drawings, and Ghanaian Adinkrasymbols.

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