Stellenbosch University
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Masterclass with Prof David Sumpter (Uppsala University): 'Data science and modelling of football'
Start: 01/11/2023, 09:00
End: 01/11/2023, 13:00
Contact:Rene Kotze -
Location: Room 2002, 2nd floor, Mathematical Sciences / Industrial Psychology building, Stellenbosch University

​The Africa-Europe Cluster of Research Excellence: Addressing Global and African Challenges Through Methods of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Theoretical and Computational Thinking presents a Masterclass: 'Data science and modelling of football' on Wednesday, 1 November 2023, 09h15-13h00 SAST. 

Teacher: Prof David Sumpter (Uppsala University) 


  • Africa-Europe CoRE-AI universities
  • In Stellenbosch: Room 2002, 2nd floor, Mathematical Sciences / Industrial Psychology building, Stellenbosch University 
  • Online 


This is a half-day introduction to using machine learning and modelling in football for data scientists, MSc and PhD students, and industry professionals. 

We will go through how to use logistic regression to fit an expected goals model of quality of chances. We will also look at models of pass success and value using other machine learning methods. By the end, you will understand how to use football data and fit simple models to it. 

This lecture will also provide an introduction to the challenges of putting data science into practice. 


Before the meeting you need to set up a Python environment and download Wyscout data. Instructions here: 

For more information, please visit