Stellenbosch University
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Military Academy Postgraduate Student Seminar
Start: 22/11/2023, 09:00
End: 23/11/2023, 15:00
Contact:S Lt S. Mbatha - +27 22 702 3124
Location: Military Academy, Saldanha, Western Cape 7395

Postgraduate study is expected to contribute new insights, perspectives, or solutions to existing problems or questions within a particular academic discipline. It often involves exploring uncharted territory or addressing gaps in current knowledge. The Faculty of Military Science's residential postgraduate students came up with the idea for the MAPS Seminar, which was initially presented in 2019 and subsequently resurrected in 2021. The motivation behind this project is to highlight the research that postgraduate students have produced since being acknowledged as an essential component of the Military Academy. According to the seminar's development, it is evolving into a balanced educational forum where FMS members can present the results of their research to both juniors and seniors.

The seminar is anticipated to draw a larger audience and, ideally, result in a publication in the near future. The Commandant Military Academy and the Dean Faculty of Military Science are both very appreciative and supportive of this endeavour. The institution's leadership and logistical support, as well as the faculty staff's knowledge input, are all necessary for this project to grow. The MAPS group deserves praise for designing and starting this effort. The 2023 seminar committee (Maj Matjane, Capt Mayoyo, Capt Solomons, Lt (SAN) Tibane, S Lt Mbatha, 2Lt Bentley and CO Mathebula) went above and beyond with this, and they merit special praise. Junior academics are empowered by the seminar to provide instructions and briefings in the military as well as to present themselves with confidence at important academic gatherings.

MAPS Seminar Chairperson: Lt (SAN) L.L. Matiwane​