Stellenbosch University
Welcome to Stellenbosch University
From galaxies to smartwatches: Spectroscopy in everyday life
Start: 16/05/2023, 17:30
End: 16/05/2023, 19:00
Contact:Sandra Josias -
Location: Lecture hall Alpha, Merensky Building, Stellenbosch University campus

The Stellenbosch Laser Student Chapter is excited to share their plans to celebrate the International Day of Light for 2023! Join them for a public lecturedemo show and lab tours next week, all highlighting the importance of light in our daily lives.

​Monday 15 May: Demo show, 13:00-14:00 in lecture hall Alpha (0067)

The postgraduate physics students will give a demo show with fun experiments that explain basic principles of physics.

Tuesday 16 May: Public Lecture by Dr Pieter Neethling

17:30 in lecture hall Alpha (0067) with refreshments served afterwards in the electricity lab. This will be a public lecture titled “From galaxies to smartwatches: spectroscopy in everyday life." Dr Pieter Neethling, director of the Laser Research Institute and senior lecturer at the physics department will speak about various types of spectroscopies and how these are used in the world all around us.

RSVP here:

Wednesday 17 May: lab tours, 12:30-14:00 

There will be lab tours of the laser research labs in the physics department. Starting at 12:30, 13:00 and 13:30 there will be guided tours starting in the foyer of Merensky taking you through different labs ranging from the ultrafast spectroscopy labs, optical tweezers and trapping lab, Fourier ptychography lab and ion trapping lab.

Everyone is welcome! We look forward to seeing you at these events.​