Source: Annual Report 2015
Vision 2030
We see Stellenbosch University as an inclusive, innovative and future-focused place of discovery and excellence, where staff and students are thought leaders in advancing knowledge in service of our stakeholders.
We strive to achieve our vision for Stellenbosch University through sustained transformation and, on our journey of discovery through academia in the service of our stakeholders, we have resolved to:
- create an academic community in which social justice and equal opportunities will lead to systemic sustainability
- investigate and innovatively implement appropriate and sustainable approaches to the development of Africa
- align our research with a wide-ranging spectrum of challenges facing the world, Africa, our country and the local community
- maintain student-centred and future-oriented learning and teaching that establish a passion for lifelong learning
- invest in the innovative scholarship and creative ability of all our people
- leverage the inherent power of diversity, and
- establish and extend synergistic networks in which our University is a dynamic partner.
Leadership in service of others
We promote the well-being of people and the world by leading with humility, responsibility and understanding.
Shared accountability
We realise and accept that, in the interests of the stakeholders we serve, we are jointly responsible for the achievement of the University's Vision.
We promote human dignity through a culture of respectful behaviour – self-respect, respect for other people, and respect for the physical environment.
We think and act in new and different ways and make good choices and decisions for ourselves, and for our stakeholders, the country, the continent and the planet.
Everything we do is characterised by excellence.
Stakeholder groups
We serve our stakeholders, who are:
- prospective students, students and parents
- employees and pensioners
- government, regulators and professional bodies
- alumni
- donors, and
- the community (civil society, non-governmental organisations, industry, other universities, schools, advisory councils, service providers and the media).
Our students
Source: Annual Report 2015