​​​Change resources and FAQs



What is change enablement?

The facilitation of a structured (planned) period of transition from situation A to situation B within a defined time period in order to achieve sustainable change (within an established organisation).

Isn’t change enablement only for large change initiatives?

There is no such thing as “small change”. Even so-called small change has an impact. All change requires a structured plan to facilitate the impact of the change, regardless of whether it is perceived to as “a small change only”.

Why are different types of change enablement approaches adopted?

It is important to understand that different kinds of change require different strategies and plans to gain engagement, reduce resistance and ease acceptance. The three types of change enablement approaches are:

a) developmental (day-to-day / operational)
b) transitional (strategic / tactical) and
c) transformational (cultural / metamorphic).

What is the difference between Project Management and Change Enablement?

Project Management focuses on the “what and when”, which includes the following deliverables: Plan (Timelines) + Scope + Deliverables + Resources + Quality. Change Enablement focuses on “how” to enable the “what and when” by mobilising people one step at a time. 


What are the steps in the ch​ange journey?

  1. Think – use your head to envision a single version of the truth.
  2. Embrace – use your heart to welcome new ways of working.
  3. Work – use your hands to comply with new standards and cooperate.
  4. Progress – use your feet to accelerate change and help the business to grow.

How can change go wrong?

A lack of vision, along with poor implementation history can lead to inadequate middle management support for change. In addition, there is often a lack of consequence management for not implementing change correctly. There may also be insufficient time, poor communication and no follow-through (one-way communication with lack of feedback). Lastly, ineffective management of resistance to change leads to a lack of synergy and poor results.

How does unmanaged change affect people?

Ignoring the people side of change has dire consequences. Productivity declines, key stakeholders do not show up to meetings and suppliers/service providers begin to feel the impact and see the disruption caused by change. Students feel the negative impacts of a change that should have been invisible to them. Employee morale suffers and divisions between “us” and “them” begin to emerge. Stress, confusion and fatigue increase, resulting in valued employees leaving the organisation.

What is a Community of Practice?

Communities of Practice are groups of people who share a passion for something that they know how to do and who interact regularly to learn how to do it better.

How can I help to enable change at SU?

  • Join a Change Enablement Community of Practice.
  • Use our change enablement methodology and be an agent for change in action.
  • Share the lessons you have learnt on your change journey.
  • Compile case studies for us to share on our website.
  • Aim to continuously improve our change enablement methodology.
  • Set new benchmarks for change enablement.
  • Continually search for best practices in terms of change enablement.
  • Nominate experts to share their stories with us.

What is meant by the 'scoping of change’?

The scoping of change relates to how far (breadth), how much (depth) and what (in terms of development and transitional change), impacts on an organisation during implementation of new initiatives.

What are the four main phases of the change enablement framework?

Identify and plan for change; design and navigate the change; institutionalise and enable the change; and create change ownership and learn from change.

How does change enablement fit into the bigger picture at Stellenbosch University?

Change enablement at Stellenbosch University is part of an institutional cycle that includes our Strategic Framework 2019-2024, Strategy Implementation Plans, Environment Plans, Institutional Plan, Reporting and Vision 2040.