Division of Molecular Biology & Human Genetics
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Animal TB Research Group
- Goosen WJ, Cooper D, Warren RM, van Helden PD, Parsons SDC. (2014) The evaluation of candidate biomarkers of cell-mediated immunity for the diagnosis of Mycobacterium bovis infection in African buffaloes (Syncerus caffer). Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 162(2-3): 198-202.
- Goosen WJ, Miller M, Chegou N, Cooper D, Warren RM, van Helden PD, Parsons SDC. (2014) Agreement between assays of cell-mediated immunity utilizing Mycobacterium bovis-specific antigens for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in African buffaloes (Syncerus caffer). Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 160(1-2): 133-138.
- Roug A, Geoghegan C, Wellington E, Miller W, Travis E, Porter D, Cooper D, Clifford D, Mazet J, Parsons SDC. (2014) Utility of a fecal real-time PCR protocol for detection of Mycobacterium bovis infection in African buffalo Syncerus caffer. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 50(1):140-142.
- Hammond-Aryee K, Esser M, van Helden PD. (2014) Toxoplasma gondii seroprevalence studies in humans and animals in Africa: A review. SA Fam Prac. 56(2):119-124.
- Hlokwe TM, van Helden PD, Michel AL. (2014) Evidence of increasing intra and inter-species transmission of Mycobacterium bovis in South Africa: Are we losing the battle? Prev Vet Med. 115(1-2):10-7.
- Katale B, Mbugi E, Botha L, Keyyu D, Kendall S, Dockrell H, Michel A, Kazwala R, Rweyemamu M, van Helden P, Matee MI. (2014) Species diversity of non-tuberculous mycobacteria isolated from humans, livestock and wildlife in the Serengeti ecosystem, Tanzania. BMC Infectious Disease. 14:616.
- van Hooft P, Greyling BJ, Getz WM, van Helden PD, Zwaan BJ, Bastos AD. (2014) Positive Selection of Deleterious Alleles through Interaction with a Sex-Ratio Suppressor Gene in African Buffalo: A Plausible New Mechanism for a High Frequency Anomaly. Plos ONE. 9(11):e111778.
- Hammond-Aryee K, Esser M, van Helden PD. (2014) Toxoplasmosis in South Africa - Old Disease in a New Context. Journal of Natural Sciences Research. 4(22): 101-105.
- Haw A, Hofmeyr M, Fuller A, Buss P, Miller M, Fleming G, Meyer L. (2014) Butorphanol with oxygen insufflation corrects etorphine-induced hypoxaemia in chemically immobilized white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum). BMC Veterinary Research. 10:253.
- Tanner M, Inlameia O, Michel A, Maxlhuza G, Pondja A, Fafetine J, Macucule B, Zacarias M, Manguele J, Moiane IC, Marranangumbe AS, Mulandane F, Schönfeld C, Moser I, van Helden PD, Machado A. (2014) Bovine Tuberculosis and Brucellosis in Cattle and African Buffalo in the Limpopo National Park, Mozambique. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. (Epub Jan 2014)