African Doctoral Academy
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Winter School Programme


​ADA Winter School 2024

24 June - 19 July ​ 


Strategic Initiat​ive Week 1 

W​inter School W​eek 1 Winte​r School W​eek 2 | Wi​nter School Week 3 ​

​​Costs​ | Form​at | Apply ​

The Doctoral School aims to offer high impact research design and methodology training, as well as options in academic preparedness and career development. The Schools are open to doctoral candidates (current and prospective), their supervisors and researchers.   ​​

Format: It is important to note that these courses are presented and planned as full day synchronous​ sessions at Stellenbosch University. We recommend that you take leave from your daily work and other responsibilities to attend the classes and complete the assignments as required by your presenters. ​​​Your attendance will be monitored to ensure that you meet/reach the requirements for subsequent certification. The school will be offered in hybrid mode with some courses in-person and others offered online. 
Your role: You will be responsible for pacing yourself through the workshops wh​en busy with the prescribed exercises, synchronous sessions, and/or group work, and will have to be able to keep up. The estimated contact time required per session is presented below. These exclude morning and afternoon tea and lunch breaks. Group work is mandatory. Please remember it is possible to apply for only one course per week/session as the classes take place at the same time. However, it is possible to apply for more than one course in one week provided the dates do not overlap

Venue: In-person courses will take place at Van der Sterr Building, Stellenbosch University Campus and STIAS: Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (Address: Marais Rd, Mostertsdrift, Stellenbosch, 7600). Online courses will take place on MS Teams.

Strategic Initiative W​​eek 1: 24 - 2​8 June 2024 

​​24 - 25 June 2024
2 days

09:00 - 13:00 GMT+2

4 contact hours
per day

Fundamentals of Impactful Grant Proposal Writing (2 days morning sessions, Online) [Reserved for APEDA Project Members]
It is increasingly expected of researchers to generate research funds. To do so, researchers need to acquire grant writing skills or hone the skills they already have. Although funding organisations and their application requirements differ, there are important elements expected by all funding agencies, whether it relates to small or to large grants. These elements will be addressed in the workshop. 
Mode: ​Online | Early Bird - R1950, Standard - R2150, Late Joiner - R23​50​

- Ms Riana Coetsee (Research Management & Skills Training Consultant)​ 

​​27 - 28 Juin 2024
2 jours

09:00 - 13:0​0 GMT+2

4 heures de contact par jour

Fondamentaux de la rédaction de propositions de subvention à impact (2 jours, en ligne) [Reserved for APEDA Project Members]
​​​​​On attend de plus en plus des chercheurs qu’ils génèrent des fonds pour la recherche. Pour ce faire, les chercheurs doivent acquérir des compétences en rédaction de subventions ou perfectionner les compétences qu’ils possèdent déjà. Bien que les organismes de financement et leurs exigences en matière de candidature diffèrent, tous les organis​mes de financement attendent des éléments importants, qu'il s'agisse de petites ou de grandes subventions. Ces éléments, dont l'impact de la recherche est primordial, seront abordés lors de l'atelier. 
Mode: En ligne​​ | Frais de cours: Early Bird - R1950, Standard - R2150, Late Joiner - R23​50​
- Ms Riana Coetsee (Consultant en gestion de la recherche et en formation aux compétences)
27 - 28 June 2024
​2 days

08:30 - 16:3​0 GMT+2

7 contact hours
per day
Conceptualising the Doctoral Degree: The 10 important points to consider (2 days, Online)
This is a hands-on two-day workshop. Participants will be discussing the ten measures of success in the doctoral process. For instance, identifying th​​e research construct, the context of the research, being able to identify and work within the appropriate research paradigm. In addition, have clarity on the level at which the research needs to be conducted to adhere to the requirements of a doctoral degree – remember it is not just another master's degree. Hence, in a way, we will work backwards to what is needed in order to complete the project successfully as well as identify the bottlenecks and deal with them. 
Mode: ​Online | Course fee: Early Bird - R3850, Standard - ​R4150, Late Joiner - R4350

- ​Prof René Pellissier (Southern African Regional University’s Association’s Climate Change and Sustainable Development Program​me)​​​

Winter School​ Week 1: 1 - 5 July 2024

1 - 5 July 2024
5 days

08:30 - 16:3​0 GMT+2

7 contact hours​
per day

How to ​Argue and Write an Effe​​​ctive Literature R​eview for your Master's or Doctorat(5 days, In-person) 
The course is aimed at master's and doctoral students writing their literature reviews whether as part of a research proposal, a thesis, or as an independent article. The course provides an introduction to the writing skills required to construct academic arguments in different types of research. Various issu​es surrounding writing a literature review will be addressed, such as the different types of literature reviews and ways of organising information in literature reviews. We will also discuss how to effectively integrate information in a literature review while touching on issues regarding plagiarism and referencing.
​​​1 - 5 July 2024
5 days

08:30 - 16:30 GMT+2

7 contact hours​ 
per day
Introduction to Quantitative Research Design and Methodology (5 days, Online)
This course reviews the fundamentals of designing quantitative research, including designs, data collection, and analysis. It is an introductory course to develop foundational quantitative research design knowledge and skills. The primary expectation is that delegates will work on their project and exit with the building blocks of a quantitative research design. As a gro​​up, we will actively work on the major aspects of quantitative research designs, including the statement of the problem; purpose statements, research questions, or hypotheses; a specific quantitative design; data collection and analysis plans; and limitations. The course is interactive in that you will have short periods of time to work on your project and receive feedback live in addition to the lectures.​​
Mode: ​​Online |​ 
Course fee: Early Bird - R95​​​50​, Standard - R99​50, Late Joiner - R10250​​​​​

-​ Prof Tim Guetterman (University of Michigan, USA)​

​​​​1 - 5 July 2024
5 days

08:30 - 16:3​0 GMT+2

7 contact hours​
per day

Good Practice in Postgraduate Research Supervision: Developing effective supervision practices face-to-face and remotely (5 days, Online)

​​8 - 12 July 2024
5 days

08:30 - 16:3​0 GMT+2

7 contact hours​
per day

​​​AI and Scientific Rese​arch: Issues, debates & opportunities (5 days, In-person)
​​​8 - 12 July 2024
5 days

08:30 - 16:3​0 GMT+2

7 contact hours​ per day
Effective Academic Writing for Master's and D​octoral Students: Writing Retreat (5 days, In-person)
8 - 12 July 2024
5 days

08:30 - 16:3​0 GMT+2

7 contact hours​ per day

Statistics Revisited: All you need to know to successfully a​nalyse and present your data (5 days, Online)

-​ Prof Catherine Comiskey (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)

8 - 10 July 2024
3 days

08:30 - 16:3​0 GMT+2

7 contact hours​
per day

Introduction to ATLAS.ti for Data Analysis (3 days, ​Onlin​e)

​​15 - 19 July​ 2024
5 days

08:30 - 16:3​0 GMT+2

7 contact hours​
per day

Crafting an Article Out of your Thesis: Writing and pub​lishing in the final phases of the doctorate (5 days, In-person) (limited space, places only secured after payment)
In this hands-on one-week workshop, students learn how to recraft the material from the thesis to write an article for publication in an academic article. The goal of the workshop is to provide guidelines for writing the various sequential sections of the article with opportunities to apply this learning to their own work with feedback and consultation with the facilitator. Participants can complete an article during this week if they come with completed rough draft and they apply the principles during the scaffolded learning process during the week. Focus is on experiential learning with maximal writing time, accountability, and feedback.
Mode: ​In-person |​ 
Course fee: Early Bird - R105​​​5​​​0​, Standard - R10950, Late Joiner - R11250 (limited space)​​​​​

​​​​- Prof Ruth Albertyn (Stellenbosch University, SA)

​​​​15 - 19 July 2024
5 days

08:30 - 16:3​0 GMT+2

7 contact hours​
per day

Introduction to Qualitative Research Design and M​ethodology (5 days, In-person)
​Introduction to Qualitative Research Design and Methodology is an introductory course presented in two parts. Part 1 provides fundamental knowledge of several interlocking topics important to our understanding of qualitative research methodology design and implementation. Part 2 extends our understanding of qualitative approaches as participants learn more about the practice and conduct of qualitative research. This course will draw upon examples from participants’ own research interests that we will hone through collaborative problem-solving and instructional strategies. Upon completion of this course, participants will gain a deeper understanding of qualitative research and will have refined and practiced the skills needed to design and conduct their own studies.
​​​​15 - 19 July 2024
5 days

08:30 - 16:30​GMT+2

7 contact hours​
per day

Mixed Methods in Research Design (5 days, ​Online)

|Apply Now|​​


​​Application deadlines for courses: Early Bird - 8 May 2024; Standard - 26 May 2024; Late Joiner - 9 June 2024
Payment deadlinesEarly Bird - 15 May 2024; Standard - 31 May 2024; Late Joiner - 14 June 2024
Two-day courses

Early Bird: R3850 (Course 4) 
Standard: R4150 (Course 4)​
Late Joiner: R4350 (Course 4)

Three-day course

Early Bird: R5850 
Standard: R6250
Late Joiner: R6450

Five-day courses
(Courses 5 ,6, 10, 11, 15​)

Early Bird: R9550 
Standard: R9950 
Late Joiner: R10250

Course 14
Early Bird - R105​​​5​​​0​, Standard - R10950, Late Joiner - R11250 (limited space)

Five-day courses

Early Bird: R7250 
Standard: R7950 
Late Joiner: R815​0​​


​​Additional information

  • Last day for applicationsEarly Bird - 8 May 2024; Standard - 26 May 2024; Late Joiner - 9 June 2024
      • Payment deadlines for courses: Early Bird - 15 May 2024; Standard - 31 May 2024; Late Joiner - ​​14 June 2024
  • Course specific information is available on the Workshop Information page​.

Included in the cost:
  • The fee per week includes the workshop fee for online courses, digital class materials and digital certification. For in-person courses the fee includes course fees, lunch, digital class materials, digital certification and refreshments at social functions hosted by the ADA.​


  • All workshops are taught in English​ except course 3 - Fondamentaux de la rédaction de propositions de subvention à impact which will be taught​ in French. 
  • The school will be hosted in hybrid format with fully online courses and fully in-person sessions. You will not be able to join virtually in any of the in-person courses unless it is explicitly stated that the course is offered in hyflex format. ​​

The ADA reserves the right to cancel a course if the minimum attendance figures are not reached. If a delegate has already paid, we will refund them fully, or offer them the opportunity to attend another course of their choice, where possible.


  • The last day for withdrawal from the ADA's Winter​​ School is 31 May 2024. Applicants will receive a 50% refund up until 31 May 2024. After this date there will be no refund unless someone else can take your place​. 
  • The ADA reserves the right to cancel a course.