African Doctoral Academy
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Workshop Information


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Please click on the course you would like to read more about.​​​​

ADA Winter School 2024​

24 June to 19 July ​

Full programme dates, costs and further information are listed here

​The application form is listed he​re.​

​​​​​​​​​​​​C​​ourse 1: ​Introduction to Targeted Microbiota Analysis: Exploring Best Practices and Computational Approaches

C​​ourse 2: Fundamentals of Impactful Grant Proposal Writing​​

C​​ourse 3​: Fondamentaux de la rédaction de propositions de subvention à impact​​

C​​ourse 4: Conceptualising the Doctoral Degree: The 10 important points to consider

​C​​ourse 5: How to Argue and Write an Effective Literature Review for your Master's or Doctorate

C​​ourse 6Introduction to Quantitative Research Design and Methodology​

C​​ourse 7: ​​​​Good Practice in Postgraduate Research Supervision: Developing Effective Supervision Practices Face-to-Face a​nd Remotely

​C​​ourse 8: Ethnographic and Autoethnographic Research Methods

C​​ourse 9: The Systematic Review

C​​ourse 10: ​​​AI and Scien​tific Research: Issues, debates & opportunities

C​​ourse 11: Effective Aca​​demic Writing for Master's and Doctoral Students: Writing Retreat 

C​​ourse 12: Statistics Revisited: All you need to know to successfully analyse and present your data​

C​​ourse 13: Introduction to ATLAS.ti for Data Analysis

C​​ourse 14: Crafting an Article Out of your Thesis: Writing and publishing in the final phases of the doctorate

C​​ourse 15: Introduction to Qualitative Research Design and Methodology

C​​ourse 16: Mixed Methods in Research Design​


Course 1. ​Introduction to Targeted Microbiota Analysis: Exploring best practices and computational approac​​hes

Dr Kristien Nel Van Zyl and Dr Itumeleng Moroenyane (The African Microbiome Institute (AMI)​, Stellenbosch University, SA) 
5 day​ course 
Course takes place from 15 to 19 July 2024 in-person at the Stellenbosch University Campus, Van der Sterr Building. Delegates will be expected to be available for the programme from 09:00 - 16:30 daily (excluding tea and lunch breaks).

​ Standard - R7​​25​​0
​Participants should be conducting research or be in the planning phases, be it at postgraduate or postdoctoral level or in full-time academic staff capacity. ​
​Target audi​ence
The course is designed for researchers including postgraduate students and postdocs.​​
​​What to brin​g​?​
Laptop and notepads.​ Course material will be provided electronically.​ 
​In-person at the Stellenbosch University Campus, Van der Sterr Building.
Course Description
The proposed course will give participants a theoretical overview of the microbiome and explore best practices for microbiome research, from sampling to publication. The course further aims to build capacity for quality microbiome research in Africa by providing hands-on training in analytical and statistical methods relevant to the microbiome. The course will also encourage cross-disciplinary networking, and building collaborations.​

Course Outcomes
At the end of this short course, students should be able to:
  • Navigate Linux, the command line and R environments and implement basic scripting tools and practises relating to microbiome analysis
  • Describe and identify best practises in microbiome studies, from sample collection to sequence analysis
  • Define the different areas of microbiome research, including targeted microbiota analysis, metagenomics, transcriptomics and metabolomics.
  • Implement knowledge of best practise to design a microbiome study
  • Execute commands and use bioinformatic tools to visualize and interpret targeted microbiome sequencing data
  • Establish connections with other students and researchers studying the microbiome in Africa
  • Identify the importance and applications of targeted microbiota analysis in the greater sphere of microbiome research

Course Material
Course material will be made available online on the SUNOnline platform. 
​Course Format
The course will be presented as a five-day workshop. It will feature a combination of face-to-face presentations, group exercises​​ and discussions.​


Course 2. Fundamentals of Impactful Grant Proposal Writing​ 

Ms ​​Riana Coetsee (Research Management & Skills Training Consultant)​ 
2 day​ course 
The course takes place from 24 to 25 June 2024 online via Microsoft Teams. Delegates will be expected to be available for the programme from 09:00 - 13:00 daily (excluding tea and lunch breaks).

Early Bird - R1950, Standard - R21​50, Late Joiner - R2350 
​Participants should have a laptop installed with Microsoft Teams.
​Target audi​ence
The course is designed for researchers (including postgraduate students and postdocs) who need to generate research funds. ​​
​​What to brin​g​?​
Pen and one piece of blank A4 paper. Course material will be provided electronically.
​Online​​ on Microsoft Teams.
Course Description
It is increasingly expected of researchers to generate research funds. ​To do so, researchers need to acquire grant writing skills or hone the skills they already have. Although funding organisations and their application requirements differ, there are important elements expected by all funding agencies, whether it relates to small or to large grants. These elements will be addressed in the workshop. 

The following elements will be discussed and practised: 
  • The basic structure of a grant proposal (i.e., how to get out of the starting block)
  •  Market your research and strengthen your researcher profile
  •  Why grant proposals fail
  •  Explaining peer review panels
  •  Common core components of grant proposals
  •  The budget
  •  Is all research fundable (and where to look for funding)?​​

Course Outcomes
Participants will understand the following: 
  • ​How to overcome “writer’s block” when you start writing a grant proposal
  • What basic and core components a grant application should have to make it competitive
  • What “peer review” means
  • Why it is important to indicate impact and what funders mean by it
  • What pitfalls to avoid when writing a grant proposal
  • How to approach the budget and what elements to include
  • How to identify possible funding opportunities​

Course Material
Course material will be made available online on the SUNOnline platform​. 

​Course Format
The course will be presented as a two-day workshop. it will feature a combination of presentations, group excercises and discussions.

Course 3. Fondamentaux de la rédaction de propositions de subvention à impact

​​Ms Riana Coetsee (Consultant en formation en gestion de la recherche et en compétences)

Formation de 2 jours
La formation se déroule du 27 au 28​​ juin 2024 en ligne via Microsoft Teams. Les participants devront être disponibles pour le programme de 09h00 à 13h00 chaque jour (hors pauses thé et déjeuner).

​​Early Bird - R1950, Standard - R21​50, Late Joiner - R2350 
​Les participants doivent disposer d'un ordinateur portable équipé de Microsoft Teams.
​Public cible

​La formation est conçue pour les chercheurs (y compris les étudiants diplômés et les post-doctorants) qui ont besoin de générer des fonds pour la recherche.
​​​Que faut-il apporter ?
Un stylo et une feuille de papier A4 vierge seront nécessaires. Les documents de la formation seront fournis électroniquement.
En ligne sur Microsoft Teams.

Description de cours
On attend de plus en plus des chercheurs qu’ils génèrent des fonds pour la recherche. Pour ce faire, les chercheurs doivent acquérir des compétences en rédaction de subventions ou perfectionner les compétences qu’ils possèdent déjà. Bien que les organismes de financement et leurs exigences en matière de candidature diffèrent, tous les organismes de financement attendent des éléments importants, qu'il s'agisse de petites ou de grandes subventions. Ces éléments, dont l'impact de la recherche est primordial, seront abordés lors de l'atelier. 

Les éléments suivants seront discutés et mis en pratique : 
  • La structure de base d'une proposition de subvention (c'est-à-dire comment sortir des “blocs de depart”)
  • Mettre en valeur votre recherche et renforcez votre profil de chercheur
  • Pourquoi les propositions de subvention échouent
  • Expliquer l'examen par les pairs et les comités d'examen 
  • L’impact de la recherche et pourquoi il est primordial dans une proposition de subvention
  • Éléments de base communs des propositions de subvention
  • Le budget
  • Toutes les recherches sont-elles finançables (et où chercher du financement)? ​

Les participants comprendront ce qui suit 
  • Comment surmonter le « blocage de l'écrivain » lorsque vous commencez à rédiger une proposition de subvention
  • Quels éléments de base et essentiels une demande de subvention devrait avoir pour la rendre competitive
  • Que signifie « examen par les pairs » 
  • Pourquoi il est important d'indiquer l'impact et ce que les bailleurs de fonds entendent par là
  • Quels pièges éviter lors de la rédaction d'une proposition de subvention
  • Comment aborder le budget et quels éléments inclure
  • Comment identifier les opportunités de financement possibles​

Matériel de cours
Le matériel de cours sera disponible en ligne sur la plateforme SUNOnline. 

Format du cours
Le cours sera présenté sous la forme d'un atelier de deux jours. Il comprendra une combinaison de présentations, d'exercices de groupe et de discussions.

Course 4. Conceptualising the Doctoral Degree: The 10 important points to consider

Prof René Pellissier (Southern African Regional University’s Association’s Climate Change and Sustainable Development programme)
2 day​ course 
Course takes place from 27 to 28 June 2024 online via Microsoft Teams. Delegates will be expected to be available for the programme from 09:00 - 16:30 daily (excluding tea and lunch breaks). Delegates will submit a work sheet/assignment at the end of each day that will be marked.

​​​​​​Course fee: Early Bird - R3850, Standard - ​R4150, Late Joiner - R4350​ 
Participants should have a rudimentary understanding of the process of research (Master's level). It would be advisable to bring an idea or topic for the research. We can refine and work on this throughout the course. 
​Target audi​ence
The course is designed for postgraduate students, particularly early-stage doctoral students and those intending to do a doctorate. 
​​What to brin​g​?​
Laptop with Microsoft Teams.
Online on Microsoft Teams.
Course Description
See the doctoral process as a journey like climbing Kilimanjaro. There is a lot of planning and thinking that goes into conceptualising this:  
  • Why is it necessary?
  • What does it mean to get to the top? 
  • What are the requirements of the journey? 
  • What goes into the backpack of tools? 
  • Which team members should go on the journey with me? 
  • How do I prepare myself for the journey? 
  • What should I take with me on the journey? 
  • When should we go? 
  • What route would I take? 
Clearly, the conceptualisation of the journey towards the degree impacts on success.

Course Outcomes
During this workshop participants will: 
  • Demonstrate important steps/milestones in preparing to undertake and complete their doctoral studies
  • Identify a doable research topic and formulate research problem
  • Write out the significance of the outcomes and align with the degree outcomes 
  • Write out the provisional mapping of the study in line with the milestones
  • Communicating the research
Course Material
Course material will be made available online on the SUNOnline platform.

​Course Format
The course will be presented as a two-day workshop. The workshop will be highly interactive in nature. Participants will be expected to participate actively in the learning process. This requires that participants engage in learning activities during and outside working hours. It would be beneficial to bring a learning device along, such as a laptop or tablet and be willing to share and engage. It will feature a combination of presentations, group exercises and discussions. 

Course 5. ​How to Argue and Write an Effective Literature Review for your Master's or Doctorate​

Ms Selene Delport (Stellenbosch University, Writing Lab)
5 day​ course 
Course takes place from 1 to 5 July 2024 in-person at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS). Delegates will be expected to be available for the programme from 09:00 - 16:30 daily (excluding tea and lunch breaks).

​​​​​​Early Bird - R95​​​50​, Standard - R99​50, Late Joiner - R10250 
Ideally, participants should already have started writing their theses/dissertation.
​Target audi​ence
The course is designed for postgraduate students, particularly master’s and doctoral students busy writing a thesis/dissertation.  
​​What to brin​g​?​
Delegates are encouraged to share drafts of their own writing during the workshop, if they feel comfortable doing so. All writers and their writing will be t​​reated with kindness and respect. 
In-person at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS).

Course Description
The course is aimed at master's and doctoral students writing their literature reviews whether as part of a research proposal, a thesis, or as an independent article. The course provides an introduction to the writing skills required to construct academic arguments in different types of research. Various issues surrounding writing a literature review will be addressed, such as the different types of literature reviews and ways of organising information in literature reviews. We will also discuss how to effectively integrate information in a literature review while touching on issues regarding plagiarism and referencing. 
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the delegates will be able to: 
  • Develop their own writing practice
  • Critically read their own texts
  • Develop their skills as editors of their own texts
  • Refine their own academic voices

Course Material
Course materials will be made available on the online platform, SUNOnline. Limited hardcopy materials will be provided. Worksheets, exercises/tasks and class notes will be provided online and/or printed and distributed during the classes. ​

​Course Format
The course will be presented as a five-day workshop​. The course will feature a blend of teaching and learning styles. The course will start in the morning with face-to-face interactive class sessions, followed by exercises to be completed in class during the afternoon. The facilitator will be available to offer support during the afternoons. The exercises are designed to help participants work on their own writing as well as collaborate and share ideas with each other.

Course 6. Introduction to Quantitative Research Design and Methodology​

Prof Timothy C. Guetterman (University of Michigan, USA)​​
5 day course
The course takes place from 1 to 5 July 2024 online via Microsoft Teams. Delegates will be expected to be available for the programme from 09:00 - 16:30 daily (excluding tea and lunch breaks).

​​Early Bird - R7​​25​​0, Standard - R7​​950, Late Joiner - R81​​50
​Participants should have a basic understanding of the process of research. It is critical to come with an idea for a research project and topic. We will refine and work on it throughout the course. 
​​Target audi​ence
​This course will benefit delegates who want to learn more about quantitative research design and methods. It is ideal for students who are at the early phases of their PhD. In addition, postdocs​​ will find this course helpful in their own research and supervision.
​​​What to brin​g​?​
​Laptop. Please come with an idea for a quantitative research project or a quantitative research project that is underway.  
Please be prepared to work on your project either through paper or electronically on your computer.
​​Online MS Teams
Course Description​
​​This course reviews the fundamentals of designing quantitative research, including designs, data collection, and analysis. It is an introductory course to develop foundational quantitative research design knowledge and skills. 

Course Outcomes

At the completion of the course, students will have skills to: 

  • Understand the process of conducting research using a quantitative approach
  • Specify a quantitative purpose, research question, or hypothesis
  • Plan quantitative data collection procedures
  • Select appropriate statistical analyses
  • Understand how to interpret and read statistical output
  • Understand the types of quantitative research designs including survey design, correlational design, and Quasi-experimental/ Experimental designs
  • Select and plan a research design
  • Understand threats to validity in quantitative research

Course Material
Course materials will be made available on the online platform, SUNOnline. ​

​Course Format
The course will be presented as a five-day workshop. It will feature a combination of presentations, group exercises and discussions. 

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Course 7. ​Good Practice in Postgraduate Research Supervision: Developing effective supervision practices face-to-face and remotely

Prof Gina Wisker (University of Bath, UK)
5​ day​ course 
Course takes place from 1 to 5 July ​​​​2024 Online via Microsoft Teams. Delegates will be expected to be available for the programme from 09:00 - 16:30 daily (excluding tea and lunch breaks).

​​Early Bird - R7​​25​​0, Standard - R7950, Late Joiner - R81​​50​​
Participants should have some basic understanding and experience of the processes of supervision or being supervised, and of research and a willingness to share experiences and further good practice.
​Target audi​ence
The course is designed for anyone who intends to supervise, is supervising or has supervised – we will be sharing experience and inform our development through engagement with research and good practice. 
​​What to brin​g​?​
Laptop and notepad.
​Online on Microsoft Teams​.
Course Description
Participants will explore experience (including their own), research-based ideas, and good practices in doctoral supervision along the whole doctoral learning journey. There will be focus on the development of their own skills and the sound experiences of their doctoral students in line with the three dimensions of intellectual and learning development, personal development, and engagement with appropriate institutional processes.

Course Outcomes

During this workshop, participants will gain:

  • Research and experience-based information and effective examples of good practice in supervision along the whole doctoral learning journey
  • Research and experience-based insights into working with doctoral students to promote and support their research development in the project and writing processes in the thesis
  • A rich set of understandings about varied good supervision practices face-to-face and remotely which they can put into effect in their own supervision practice
  • Insights and practical problem-solving strategies from engagement with the activities in the workshop and from discussion with the full community of supervisor colleagues in the workshop

Course Material
Course materials will be made available on the online platform, SUNOnline. The presenter will also provide pre-access to all PowerPoints and her website​  ​

​Course Format
The course will be presented as a five-day workshop. It will feature a combination of presentations, group exercises and discussions. 

Course 8. Ethnographic and Autoethnographic Research Methods

Prof Sandra Abrams (Research fellow, University of South Africa; Visiting professor, University of Sheffield, UK)
5 day​ course 
Course takes place from 1 to 5 July 2024 online via Microsoft Teams. Delegates will be expected to be available for the programme from 09:00 - 16:30 daily (excluding tea and lunch breaks).

​​​​Early Bird - R7​​25​​0, Standard - R7950, Late Joiner - R81​​50
Participants should be either research students or supervisors who have at least a rudimentary understanding of the process of research (from master's level). It would be useful to bring an idea for a research project and/or topic to refine and work on throughout the course of the workshop. ​
​Target audi​ence
The course is designed for postgraduate students, particularly early-stage doctoral students and those intending to do a doctorate who are interested in learning about ethnographic and autoethnographic research.
​​What to brin​g​?​
Laptop. Topic of study that they would like to explore/hone.​
Online on Microsoft Teams.
Course Description
During this interactive 5-day course, participants will engage with foundational texts and consider practical steps for designing and conducting ethnographic or autoethnographic research. Participants will be exposed to a variety of strategies, information sources, and tools needed to begin and/or extend  ethnographic or autoethnographic research. They will develop the understandings and skills necessary to design and to conduct ethnographic/autoethnographic research. Participants will also explore the implications and applications of ethnographic or autoethnographic scholarship, which can inform participants’ success both throughout and beyond the doctoral journey. 

Course Outcomes
During this workshop, participants will be able to:  
  • Demonstrate their understanding of ethnographic/autoethnographic writing
  • Design an ethnographic or autoethnographic study
  • Consider and critique ethnographic and autoethnographic research
  • Explore the role of reflexivity in ethnographic/autoethnographic research
  • Demonstrate a sensitivity toward cultural nuances and the ethics in sharing perspectives
  • Hone the art of aligning methods with inquiry
  • Collaborate, reshape, and present understandings

Course Material
Course materials will be made available on the online platform, SUNOnline. 

​Course Format
The course will be presented as a five-day workshop. It will feature a combination of presentations, group exercises and discussions. The course  will be highly interactive in nature. Participants will be expected to participate actively in the learning process. This requires that participants engage in learning activities during and outside working hours.

Course 9. ​The Systematic Review 

Prof Anthony (Tony)​ Onwuegbuzie (Professor Extraordinarius, University of South Africa; Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Johannesburg)
5 day​ course 
Course takes place from 15 to 19 July 2024 online via Microsoft Teams. Delegates will be expected to be available for the programme from 09:00 - 16:30 daily (excluding tea and lunch breaks).

​​Early Bird - R7​​25​​0, Standard - R7​​950, Late Joiner - R81​​50
​Participants should have a basic understanding of the process of research.  
​Target audi​ence
The course is designed for postgraduate students, particularly early-stage doctoral students and those intending to do a doctorate. 
​​What to brin​g​?​
Laptop with Microsoft Teams.
Online on Microsoft Teams.
Course Description
Systematic reviews are types of literature reviews that collect and critically analyse multiple research studies or papers, using methods that are
selected before one or more research questions are formulated, and then finding and analysing studies that relate to and answer those
questions in a structured methodology. This course aims to cover concepts on how to provide a complete, exhaustive summary of current literature relevant to a research question. The course will also cover concepts on the creation of a research question, identification of constructs and appropriate keywords, and advanced guidance on research databases.
Course Outcomes​
At the end of the course, participants should be able to conduct a systematic review. A good systematic review might achieve most or all of the following:
  • Establish to what extent existing research has progressed towards clarifying a particular problem
  • Identify relations, contradictions, gaps, and inconsistencies in the literature, and explore reasons for these
  • Formulate general statements or an overarching conceptualisation
  • Comment on, evaluate, extend, or develop theory
  • In doing these things, provide implications for practice and policy
  • Describe directions for future research

Course Material
Course materials will be made available on the online platform, SUNOnline. ​

​Course Format
The course will be presented as a five-day workshop. It will feature a combination of online presentations, group exercise and discussions.

Course 10. AI and Scientific Research: Issues, debates & opportunities

Dr Sonja Strydom (Stellenbosch University, SA)
5 day​ course 
Course takes place from 8 to 12 July 2024 in-person at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS). Delegates will be expected to be available for the programme from 09:00 - 16:30 daily (excluding tea and lunch breaks).

​​​​Early Bird - R95​​​50​, Standard - R99​50, Late Joiner - R10250
Delegates should have a working understanding of the research process and associated post-graduate requirements. At the minimum intermediate digital proficiencies will be to your benefit in this course.
​Target audi​ence
This course is designed for post-graduate students, supervisors, and postdocs.
​​What to brin​g​?​
A digital device such as a laptop or tablet with WIFI-enabled capabilities is essential.
In-person at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS).
Course Description
​An introductory course aiming to foster dialogue and further knowledge of the current pressing issues, debates and opportunities associated with increased automation in scholarly practices. This is a hands-on, active workshop where delegates will be introduced to numerous issues, debates and opportunities associated with AI in the scientific research process. A working understanding of not only the philosophical and practical implications of AI will benefit delegates, but scholarly voices from the field will also contribute to a broader understanding of this topic. 

Course Outcomes
During this workshop participants will: 
  • Develop an understanding of the current AI landscape in relation to academic writing and research
  • Outline the different issues associated with increased automation in scientific writing & research practices
  • Engage in conversation and debate related to contentious aspects of AI in the scientific research process 
  • Investigate the opportunities associated with AI use in scholarly practice
  • Develop critical working knowledge of the affordances of current AI tools assisting in scientific research

Course Material
Course materials will be made available on the online platform, SUNOnline. ​ 

​Course Format
The course will be presented as a five-day workshop. It will feature a combination of online presentations, group exercise, and discussions. This workshop is rooted in a learning-centered approach where it is expected of delegates to be actively involved in the various learning activities during and after daily sessions.

Course 11. Effective Academic Writing for Master's and Doctoral Students: Writing Retreat ​ 

Ms ​Selene Delport (Stellenbosch University, Writing Lab)
5 day​ course ​
Course takes place from 8 to 12​​ July 2024 in-person at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS). Delegates will be expected to be available for the programme from 09:00 - 16:30 daily (excluding tea and lunch breaks).

​​Early Bird - R95​​​50​, Standard - R99​50, Late Joiner - R10250
Ideally, participants should already have started writing their thesis/dissertation, proposal, or article.  
​Target audi​ence
The course is designed for postgraduate students, particularly master’s and doctoral students, as well as early career academics.
​​What to brin​g​?​
Participants are encouraged to share drafts of their own writing during the workshop, if they feel comfortable doing so. All writers and their writing will be treated with respect. 
In-person at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS).
Course Description
It is often difficult to find a sufficient block of time in which to write and writers easily lose momentum with their writing. The writing retreat will help you regain your writing momentum in a supportive environment. Each day will start with a discussion around practical strategies participants can use to develop their writing. The rest of the day, participants will work on their own writing and participants will have the opportunity to have a one-to-one consultation with one of the facilitators.​

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, participants will have at least one polished section of their text. Participants will be able to:   
  • Develop their own writing practice
  • Critically read their own texts
  • Revise and polish their own writing
  • Refine their academic voices

Course Material
Course materials will be made available on the online platform, SUNOnline. Limited hardcopy materials will be provided. Worksheets, exercises/tasks and class notes will be provided online and/or printed and distributed during the classes.​ 

​Course Format
The course will be presented as a five-day workshop​. A blend of asynchronous and synchronous teaching will be used. ​The workshop is characterised by a positive, intimate, and encouraging atmosphere in which exchanging successful practices and failures (also known as “learning opportunities”) is central to the learning success of all participants.

Course 12. Statistics Revisited: All you need to know to successfully analyse and present your data

​Prof Catherine Comiskey (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)​
5 day​ course 
Course takes place from 8 to 12 July 2024 online via Microsoft Teams. Delegates will be expected to be available for the programme from 09:00 - 16:30 daily (excluding tea and lunch breaks).

​​Early Bird - R7​​25​​0, Standard - R7950, Late Joiner - R81​​50
Participants should have a basic understanding of the process of research. It is critical to come with an idea for a research project and topic. We will refine and work on it throughout the course.
​Target audi​ence
Postgraduate students, supervisors, and researchers interested in acquiring quantitative research skills and techniques. 
​​What to brin​g​?​
Laptop, your research study proposal, your data if available.   
Online on Microsoft Teams.
Course Description
Suitable for  delegates undertaking  quantitative research, this course will cover all of the basics from research designs to planning and conducting your data analysis to interpretation of findings and report writing. ​

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course participants will be able to: 
  • Describe the philosophical underpinnings of quantitative research
  • Defend their choice of study design and sample size
  • Conduct a power analysis and decide how many samples/cases/participants are required within a study
  • Write an appropriate data analysis plan including a statistical plan for their study design
  • Write a report on their study in line with international guidelines on best practice
  • Summarise and critically analyse related studies
  • Appreciate additional novel approaches and know where to access additional resources for their studies

Course Material
Course materials will be made available on the online platform, SUNOnline. ​​

​Course Format
The course will be presented as a five-day workshop​ with real-time tutorials.​ The course will feature a blend of teaching and learning styles.

a Analysis

Dr Lauren Wildschut (Stellenbosch University, SA)
3 day​ course 
Course takes place from 8 to 10 July 2024 online on Microsoft Teams. Delegates will be expected to be available for the programme from 09:00 - 16:30 daily (excluding tea and lunch breaks).

Early Bird - R585​​0, Standard - R6250, Late Joiner - R645​0​​
Participants should have a rudimentary understanding of the process of research (master's/doctoral level).
​Target audi​ence
The course is designed for postgraduate students, particularly master’s and doctoral students, as well as early career academics.
​​What to brin​g​?​
Laptop with Microsoft Teams and Atlas.ti software.
Online on Microsoft Teams
Course Description
This course introduces some of the key functions of ATLAS.ti for carrying out a literature review or analysing qualitative data. Delegates will
learn how to develop a coding scheme, manage their data and develop useful outputs for visualizing their data. Delegates will learn how to manage and analyse articles for their literature review or do a systematic analysis of the qualitative data they have collected for their thesis or research project.​

Course Outcomes
After completion of the course, participants will be able to:
  • Illustrate the various approaches to coding data
  • Use ATLAS.ti for a range of analysis tasks
  • Compose an analysis of qualitative data in innovative ways

Course Material
Course materials will be made available on the online platform, SUNOnline.​​ 

​Course Format
The course will be presented as a three-day workshop. The course will feature a blend of teaching and learning styles.

Course 14. Crafting an Article Out of your Thesis: Writing and publishing in the final phases of the doctorate

Prof Ruth Albertyn (Stellenbosch University, SA)
5 day​ course 
Course takes place from 15 to 19 July 2024 in-person at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS). Delegates will be expected to be available for the programme from 09:00 - 16:30 daily (excluding tea and l​unch breaks).

Early Bird - R105​​​5​​​0​, Standard - R109​50, Late Joiner - R11250​​
Each participant should bring a completed section of research for recrafting from the thesis format to article genre (all literature already sourced, all analysis completed and research written up). Please make sure you have selected a target journal BEFORE attending the workshop (in consultation with supervisor /co-authors). Please ensure that the quality of the discipline specific content has been approved by the supervisor.
​Target audi​ence
The course is designed for postgraduate students, particularly master’s and doctoral students who have completed a section of their research and whose work is considered to be publishable (in consultation with supervisor).
​​What to brin​g​?​
Laptop. Guidelines for authors of target journal, example of 2-3 articles recently published in your selected journal, rough first draft of the article (Based on completed work - there will be no time to search for literature or running stats during the workshop). 
In-person at the Stellenbosch In​stitute for Advanced Study (STIAS).​​ ​

Course Description
In this hands-on one-week workshop, students learn how to recraft the material from the thesis to write an article for publication in an academic article. The goal of the workshop is to provide guidelines for writing the various sequential sections of the article with opportunities to apply this learning to their own work with feedback and consultation with the facilitator. Participants can complete an article during this week if they come with completed rough draft and they apply the principles during the scaffolded learning process during the week. Focus is on experiential learning with maximal writing time, accountability, and feedback.
Course Outcomes
After completion of the course, the participants will have a completed article which can be submitted for consideration by the intended journal. Throughout the week participants gain:  
  • Guidelines for writing the various sections of the article genre
  • Application of principles to recrafting their drafts
  • Feedback on the various sections of the article
  • Guidelines for alignment of the final draft​

Course Material
Course materials will be made available on the online platform, SUNOnline​.​

​Course Format
The course will be presented as a five-day workshop. The course will feature a blend of teaching and learning styles.

Course 15. Introduction to Qualitative Research Design and Methodo


Prof Wayne A. Babchuk (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA) 
5 day​ course 
Course takes place from 15 to 19 July 2024 in-person at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS). Delegates will be expected to be available for the programme from 09:00 - 16:30 daily (excluding tea and lunch breaks).

​​Early Bird - R95​​​50​, Standard - R99​50, Lat​e Joiner - R10250​​​​​
This workshop will be taught as an (advanced) introductory course. A general understanding of research methodology may be helpful as we will compare key aspects of qualitative research to more historically accepted quantitative methods.
​Target audi​ence
This course will benefit participants who want to learn more about and fine-tune their skills in qualitative design and implementation​. The course will have a strong holistic and interdisciplinary focus and draw upon examples from the social and health sciences and education over time and across cultures. 
​​What to brin​g​?​
Laptop and notepads.​ Course material will be provided electronically.​ 
In-person at the Stellenbosch In​stitute for Advanced Study (STIAS).​

Course Description
Introduction to Qualitative Research Design and Methodology is an introductory course presented in two parts. Part 1 provides fundamental knowledge of several interlocking topics important to our understanding of qualitative research methodology design and implementation including:  
  • The history of qualitative research across disciplines; 
  • The ethics and responsible conduct of research;  
  • The epistemological or philosophical assumptions underlying qualitative designs; 
  • Key attributes and procedures of contemporary qualitative approaches including descriptive qualitative research, narrative, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, grounded ethnography, case study, and participatory action research. 
Part 2 extends our understanding of these qualitative approaches as participants learn more about the practice and conduct of qualitative research. As a community of learners, we will focus on the core processes of qualitative design and implementation including: 
  • Writing problem statements, purpose statements, and research questions; 
  • Qualitative sampling strategies; 
  • Data collection and analysis techniques; 
  • Validity, reliability and trustworthiness in qualitative research; 
  • Writing qualitative doctoral dissertations and turning doctoral research into professional presentations and publishable articles.  
This course will draw upon examples from participants’ own research interests that we will hone through collaborative problem-solving and instructional strategies. Upon completion of this course, participants will gain a deeper understanding of qualitative research and will have refined and practiced the skills needed to design and conduct their own studies. 

Course Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students will have the skills to: 

  • Identify key traditions and eras in the history of qualitative inquiry; 
  • Recognize important ethical issues in research; 
  • Distinguish among the epistemological assumptions undergirding qualitative research; 
  • Articulate principles and practices of contemporary qualitative research; 
  • Design qualitative research studies; 
  • Develop qualitative data collection, analysis, and interpretation techniques; 
  • Describe how validity, reliability, and generalizability are addressed in qualitative research; 
  • Write evaluate, and publish qualitative research studies ​

Course Material
Course materials will be made available on the online platform, SUNOnline.

​Course Format
The course will be presented as a five-day workshop​​. The course will feature a blend of teaching and learning styles. The presenter will lead interactive discussions and facilitate small group exercises and presentations. Delegates are expected to actively participate in all course activities and help promote a classroom environment as a community of learners throughout the workshop. 

Course 16. ​Mixed Methods in Research Design

Prof Timothy C. Guetterman (University of Michigan, USA)​​
5 day​ course 
Course takes place from 15 to 19 July​​​​ 2024 online via Microsoft Teams  Delegates will be expected to be available for the programme from 09:00 - 16:30 daily (excluding tea and lunch breaks).

​​​​Early Bird - R7250, Standard - R7950, Late Joiner - R815​0
Participants should have a basic understanding of quantitative and qualitative research. It is critical to come with an idea for a research project and topic. We will refine and work on it throughout the course. 
​Target audi​ence
This course will benefit delegates who want to learn more about mixed methods research, which integrates qualitative and quantitative approaches. It is ideal for students who are at the early phases of their PhD. In addition, postdocs​​ will find this course helpful in their own research and supervision. 
​What to bring?
Laptop with Microsoft Teams. Please co​me with an idea for a mixed methods research project that we will design and refine through the course.  
Please be prepared to work on your project either through paper or electronically on your computer. 
Online on Microsoft Teams​

Course Description
This course will teach you how to design and conduct a rigorous mixed methods study that integrates qualitative and quantitative research using state-of-the-art techniques. This course will also teach participants when, how, and why to integrate a qualitative and a quantitative research components into a research project.  

Course Outcomes
At the completion of the course, students will have skills to: 
  • Understand the principles of mixed methods research
  • Be able to apply components of rigorous mixed methods studies
  • Identify the possibilities and limitations of mixed methods research
  • Outline the basics of a mixed methods design with a design diagram appropriate for any specific purpose
  • Have a plan for integration of qualitative and quantitative research
  • Draft a potential joint display to represent integration

Course Material
Course materials will be made available on the online platform, SUNOnline.

​Course Format
The course will be presented as a five-day workshop​​. The course will feature a blend of teaching and learning styles.
