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 Sustainable Development Goal Themes



Education for allEducation for all1fa-graduation-cap1157ADEducation for all
Employment & inclusive economic developmentEmployment & inclusive economic development2fa-line-chart6C3494Employment & inclusive economic development
Environment & sustainabilityEnvironment & sustainability3fa-leaf126316Environment & sustainability
Food security & healthFood security & health4fa-medkit991414Food security & health
Resources & infrastructureResources & infrastructure5fa-building56607AResources & infrastructure
Safety, security & good governanceSafety, security & good governance6fa-shield237871Safety, security & good governance
Social & Gender JusticeSocial & Gender Justice7fa-balance-scaleAD560ESocial & Gender Justice

 Sustainable Development Goals



11. No poverty
22. No hunger
33. Good health
44. Quality education
55. Gender equality
66. Clean water & sanitation
77. Renewable energy
88. Good jobs & economic growth
99. Innovation & infrastructure
1010. Reduced inequalities
1111. Sustainable cities & communities
1212. Responsible consumption
1313. Climate action
1414. Life below water
1515. Life on land
1616. Peace and Justice
1717. Partnership for goals

 National Development Goals



string;#Too few people workstring;#Too few people work1fa-users443C9A1. Too few people work
string;#The quality of school education for black people is poorstring;#The quality of school education for black people is poor2fa-graduation-cap78CCB02. The quality of school education for black people is poor
string;#Infrastructure is poorly located, inadequate and under-maintainedstring;#Infrastructure is poorly located, inadequate and under-maintained3fa-homeCC6B413. Infrastructure is poorly located, inadequate and under-maintained
string;#Spatial divides hobble inclusive developmentstring;#Spatial divides hobble inclusive development4fa-usersFF8C194. Spatial divides hobble inclusive development
string;#The economy is unsustainably resource intensivestring;#The economy is unsustainably resource intensive5fa-line-chart2F8DCC5. The economy is unsustainably resource intensive
string;#The public health system cannot meet demand or sustain qualitystring;#The public health system cannot meet demand or sustain quality6fa-medkitCC275E6. The public health system cannot meet demand or sustain quality
string;#Public services are uneven and often of poor qualitystring;#Public services are uneven and often of poor quality7fa-heart87CC217. Public services are uneven and often of poor quality
string;#Corruption levels are highstring;#Corruption levels are high8fa-gavel9593CC8. Corruption levels are high
string;#South Africa remains a divided societystring;#South Africa remains a divided society9fa-male24668A9. South Africa remains a divided society

 Provincial Strategic Goals



string;#Create opportunities for growth and jobsstring;#Create opportunities for growth and jobs1fa-userB31E3E1. Create opportunities for growth and jobs
string;#Improve education outcomes and opportunities for youth developmentstring;#Improve education outcomes and opportunities for youth development2fa-graduation-capCC7AA92. Improve education outcomes and opportunities for youth development
string;#Increase wellness and safety, and tackle social illsstring;#Increase wellness and safety, and tackle social ills3fa-heartbeat3B62CC3. Increase wellness and safety, and tackle social ills
string;#Enable a resilient, sustainable, quality and inclusive living environmentstring;#Enable a resilient, sustainable, quality and inclusive living environment4fa-pagelines3B8DCC4. Enable a resilient, sustainable, quality and inclusive living environment
string;#Embed good governance and integrated service delivery through partnerships and spatial alignmentstring;#Embed good governance and integrated service delivery through partnerships and spatial alignment5fa-sign-language0BB0235. Embed good governance and integrated service delivery through partnerships and spatial alignment