The focus of the SASOL chair is on the development of novel multidimensional and multidetector approaches for the analysis of complex macromolecular architectures. The chair works closely with the Leibniz Institute for Polymer Research Dresden, Germany (IPF). The SU-IPF joint research group Polymer Separation has many years of experience in the characterization of synthetic and natural polymers, biomacromolecular structures, responsive materials, polymer-drug and polymer-protein conjugates. Their analytical focus is on 2D coupling of various liquid chromatography and fractionation techniques and coupling with information-rich detectors such as light scattering, viscosity, fluorescence, FTIR and mass spectrometry. The Polymer Separation group consists of experts in high-temperature analysis techniques for polyolefins, field-flow fractionation techniques and natural polymer valorization. In addition to our research funded by the EU, NRF, DFG, DPI and AvH Foundation, they work closely with a number of world-class industrial partners. Young researchers benefit from a strong research network and international knowledge exchange. For more information, please visit
Prof Albena Lederer