Division for Research Development
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Postgraduate Funding Board


Scholarships will primarily close in the year prior to your registration and typically opens around May.

​FunderDescription Deadline and application forms/links​
DAAD Individual Postgraduate Scholarships In Germany​​

Below are the DAAD Individual Postgraduate Scholarships In Germany you can apply for

  • MA and PhD scholarships for research stays of 1-6 months in Germany in any field of study as part of a study programme in the applicant’s home country.  (Deadlines in April and October) currently open​.
  • ​​MA and PhD scholarships for research stays of 7-12 months in Germany in any field of study as part of a study programme in the applicant’s home country.  (Deadlines in October) currently open​.

​​​​Deadline: Various closing dates;  Please visit the website here for more information and the application process.​
​​​​Webinar: Career Journey with Mandela Rhodes Alumni
​A New Public Health Order
Please join MR alumnus and epidemiologist Dr Alex de Voux, (South Africa & University of Cape Town, 2005) as she addresses the need to change some of Africa's public health deficiencies for better health equality on the continent.
She will also share how being a Mandela Rhodes scholar has influenced her career path and helped her achieve her goals. There will also be Q&A with Alex around public health and why being a Mandela Rhodes scholar is so unique.

​Date: 30 July 2024
Time: 5 pm - 6.30 pm (SAST)
Kindly RSVP here.
​Routledge/Round Table Commonwealth Studentships - PhD studentships providing funding for research projects on Commonwealth-related themes. 
The Routledge/Round Table Commonwealth PhD Studentships provide support for research projects on Commonwealth-related themes.

The studentships are funded by The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs  and the journal’s publisher, Routledge, in association with the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU). 

Proposed research must meet at least one of the following criteria: 

Relate to the Commonwealth as a whole or to any Commonwealth-wide institution or organisation.
Have a Commonwealth comparative aspect.
Be of relevance to more than one Commonwealth country.
Successful applicants will be required to submit an article of between 4,000 and 6,000 words based on their research, for consideration for publication in The Round Table journal. They will also be required to make a podcast on their research, for publication on the journal’s website. 

Association of Commonwealth Universities.png

​​​​Deadline: 31 July 2024; Please visit the link here for more information and the application process.
​PhD in Pulmonology - PostTBCARE Grant (Funding UKNIHR)

This funded PhD position will be part of the PostTBCARE Grant (Funding: UKNIHR),
which is a multi-national collaborative grant.

Doctoral Topic

Assessment and measurement and mechanisms of impairment in post-TB lung
disease, using physiological and radiological measurements.
PhD duration: 3.5 years

Start date: 1 September 2024

​​Deadline: 31 July 2024; Please see the brochure below for more information and the application process.
PhD in Pulmonology - PostTBCARE Grant (Funding UKNIHR).
​Stellenbosch University Lisa Maskell Scholarship South Africa 2025
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Stellenbosch University, partnered with the Gerda Henkel Foundation, is inviting students to apply for the Lisa Maskell / PANGeA Scholarship, for the 2025​​ academic year.
The scholarship will be awarded for full-time PhD studies at Stellenbosch University, for research projects in these Historical Humanities fields:

Art History
Historical Islamic Studies
History of Law
History of Science
Prehistory and Early History

The following research topics may also be considered: areas such as cultural studies, political science, and social sciences that explore current issues in a larger historical context, or consciously focus on topics of relevance to the present or the future, such as forced migration, or democracy.

(Scholarships will not be awarded for Honours studies or for coursework Masters programmes where the thesis component is less than 180 credits.)

Lisa Maskell Fellowships.jpg

​​​Deadline: 31 July 2024; Please visit the link here for more information and the application p​​​​​rocess.
SAGWRI - Postgraduate Opportunities 2025​​
​Several projects are available for PhD and Masters level studies from 2025 in a multidisciplinary programme titled: “Adaptation and resilience of grapevine to limiting water”. The programme is funded by SA Wine and the Water Research Commission and would be ideal for students interested in topics such as crop science, viticulture, plant physiology plant biology, molecular biology, biotechnology and plant environmental stress responses.


​Deadline: 31 July 2024; Please visit the link here for more information and the application process.
SAGWRI - Postgraduate Opportunities 2025​.
PhD Scholarships for joint PhDs in Astrophysics for 2024/2025​
​Funded under the Joint Chair for Computational Astronomy at Stellenbosch University, South Africa and the University of Groningen, the Netherlands.

The Joint Chair for Computational Astronomy at Stellenbosch University, founded in 2023 is a joint initiative of the Astrophysics Research Group in the Department of Physics in the Faculty of Science and involves collaborators from the faculties of Science, Engineering, the School for Data Science and Computational Thinking, the University of
Groningen (Kapteyn Astronomical Institute), and other prestigious partners. In 2024, Stellenbosch University and the University of Groningen are poised to launch a Research Chair of Computational Astronomy, which will be co-led by Professor Yin-Zhe Ma (Stellenbosch) and Professor Leon Koopmans (Groningen). 

This initiative will drive pioneering research endeavours in astronomy and astrophysics, spanning various areas such as the Epoch of Reionization, galaxies and the large-scale structure of the Universe, cosmic microwave background radiation, neutron stars and black holes,
neutrino cosmology, and the indirect detection of dark matter. The Research Chair plays a pivotal role in several significant astronomical projects in South Africa, including the MeerKAT telescope, MeerKAT Extended Array, Hydrogen Epoch Reionization Array (HERA), LOFAR telescope, and maintains robust formal collaborations with esteemed projects such as the LSST project (Vera C. Rubin Observatory), SKA Science Working Groups, FAST and Euclid telescope, and CMB Stage-4 survey. Under this initiative, up to ten fully-funded Joint-PhD scholarships (four years) are available.


We seek excellent students with a strong background in (astro)physical, engineering, or computer sciences, depending on the specific projects, who desire to obtain a Joint-PhD degree from a top-ranked European and a top-ranked South African university. To be eligible to apply, a candidate must hold a Master's or equivalent degree in Physics, Astronomy, Engineering, or Computer Science by the starting date of the enrolment (January – 31 March 2025). Previous research experience and skills will be important criteria for selection. English is the common language spoken at both institutes, and proficiency in English is a requirement for acceptance.
​Deadline: 07 August 2024; Please see the attached brochures for more information and the application process.
Capitec Bursary South Africa 2025​

​Capitec is inviting students to apply for their merit bursary programme, for the 2025 academic year.

Bursaries will be awarded for undergraduate or postgraduate studies, within the following fields:

Accounting and Auditing
Actuarial Science
Business and Management Studies
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Science
Consumer Science
Data Science
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Human Resources
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Industrial Engineering
Information Systems
Information Technology
Mechatronic Engineering
Quantitative Management
Risk Management
Transport and Logistics

​Deadline: 15 August 2024; Please visit the link here for more information and the application proces​​s.
​Netwerk24: Bursary Opportunity - Journalism
​Netwerk24-beurs vir studente wat in 2025 nagraads studeer

Aansoekers moet in 2025 'n honneurs- of  meestersgraad voltooi. Dit kan in joernalistiek of kommunikasiekunde wees, maar kandidate uit enige ander studierigiting (byvoorbeeld regsgeleerdheid, ekonomiese en bestuurswetenskappe, natuurwetenskappe of die lettere en sosiale wetenskappe) sal ook oorweeg word. Die beurs beloop R170 000.


Na afloop van die studiejaar sal elke beurshouer 'n internskap van nie langer nie as 'n jaar in Netwerk24 se redaksionele afdelings voltooi, waarna 'n vaste dienskontrak vir nog een jaar in werking saI tree.
Beursaansoekers moet hullle daartoe verbind om in  Afrikaans te
Netwerk24 se keuringspaneel sal 'n kortlys saamstel.
Kandidate se nuussin, taalvaardigheid, kommuniasievermoë en algemene kennis sal  getoets word.
Die beurshouers sal na 'n onderhoud deur die paneel aangewys word

Doen so aansoek

Stuur vir ons die volgende:
1. 'n Kort motivering (500 woorde} oor hoekom jy in die joemalistiek wil werk en waar jy die grootste bydrae sou kon Iewer.
2. Jou CV.
3. Jou jongste akademiese rekord.
4. ’n Video van maksimum 1 minuut waarin jy jouself aan ons voorstel.
5. Dui aan by watter insteIling jy studeer (of wil studeer) en watter program jy volg (of wil volg).

Dokumente wat later aangevra kan word, sluit in ’n afskrif van jou matrieksertifikaat, verdere akademiese rekords, 'n identiteitsdokument en rybewys.
Stuur aansoeke na netwerk24beurse@media24.com.

23 August 2024; Please see the link here for more information and the applicaiton process.
South African Road Federation (SARF) Bursary 2025​​​
​The South African Road Federation (SARF) is inviting students to apply for their Study Bursary, for the 2025 academic year. Each year, the SARF awards bursaries for studies in disciplines within the road transport sector.

Bursaries will be awarded for Undergraduate and Postgraduate studies, within these fields:

Road Transport Economics
Road Transport Management
Road Engineering (Civil Engineering / Traffic Engineering/ Bridge Engineering/ Pavement Engineering/ Transportation Planning/ Construction Management/ Construction Materials/ Storm Water/ Environment/ Construction Materials)

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​​Deadline: 31 August 2024; Please visit the link here for more information and the application process.
​Nedbank Bursary South Africa 2025
​Nedbank is inviting students to apply for their External Bursary Programme, for the 2025 academic year.

Bursaries will be awarded for studies towards a first Undergraduate or Honours degree, to address scarce-skills shortages in the country, with a specific focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) and Green Economy skills.

​Deadline: 31 August 2024; Please visit the link here for more information and the application process.
MMEG (Margaret McNamara Education Grants) Bursary South Africa 2025​​​​​​​​​​

​MMEG is inviting female students from South Africa, to apply for their bursary award for the 2025 academic year.

The award covers ALL fields of study, towards a Certificate, Undergraduate, Graduate or Post Doctorate qualification, at selected Universities. The goal of the MMEG grant is to help women from developing countries, in order that they may further their studies and thereby improve the lives of women and children in these countries. MMEG is one of the few organizations that provides financial assistance and bursaries, specifically to women.

Margaret McNamara Education Grants.jpg

​Deadline: 14 September 2024; Please visit the link here for more information and the application process.​
​Poliomyelitis Research Foundation (PRF) Bursaries South Africa 2025
The Poliomyelitis Research Foundation (PRF) is inviting students to apply for their bursary programme, for the 2025 academic year.

Bursaries will be awarded for Postgraduate studies (BSc (Hons), MSc and PhD), for Research into Virology.


​​Deadline: 15 September 2024; Please visit the link here for more information and the application process.
​​SANSA Postgraduate Bursaries 2025
​Bursary Criteria
The main criteria used in the selection of successful applicants are financial need, academic potential and career-oriented study programmes.

Please note the following:

You should upload your FULL academic record as well as your fee statement for ALL study years.
An application will only be considered if it has been completed properly and in full.
Documents that accompany the application form must be uploaded and certified.
SANSA or university testimonial forms must be completed by the supervisor and uploaded to the application form.
We are currently revising the bursary values which may change for 2025 and these will be communicated in due course. We fund the individual programmes as follow:

Honours – one year @ R100 000
Masters – two years @ R120 000
Doctorate – three years @ R140 000 
Masters and doctoral bursars MUST reapply every year for continued funding.

Applicants may only hold a merit award and not a combination of bursaries that exceed the amounts above.

Should an applicant have another bursary of lessor amount, SANSA will consider providing a top-up bursary amount to the student provided the student meets the criteria mentioned above.

Support for continuing years is not guaranteed and will depend on satisfactory progress during the previous year.

​​Deadline: 30 September 2024; Please see the link here for more information the application process.
​Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) Bursary South Africa 2025
​The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) is inviting students to apply for their bursary programme, for the 2025 academic year.

Bursaries will be awarded for Undergraduate and Postgraduate studies, in fields within the agriculture, land reform and rural development sector – specifically the following fields:

Undergraduate Studies:

Agricultural (Bioresource) Engineering (BSc Eng)
Agronomy (BSc Agric)
Entomology (BSc Agric)
Food Science (BSc Agric)
Food Science and Technology (BAS)
Food Technology (Diploma)
Geo-Informatics/ Geographic Information Science (BSc)
Geomatics/ Land Surveying/ GIS (National Diploma/ Bachelors Degree)
Land Surveying/ Geomatics (BSc)
Pasture Science (BSc Agric)
Plant Pathology (BSc Agric)
Soil Science (BSc Agric)
Town/ Urban and Regional Planning (National Diploma/ Bachelors Degree)
Town/ Urban and Regional Planning (BSc)
Veterinary Science (BVSc)
Viticulture and Oenology (BSc Agric)

Postgraduate Studies:

DALRRD priority research projects (Advance Diploma/ B Tech/ BSc Hons, MSc/ DTech/ PhD)

Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development.jpg

Deadline: 30 September 2024; Please visit the link here for more information and the applicaiton process.​
​Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) Bursary South Africa 2025
​The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) is inviting students to apply for their bursary programme, for the 2025 academic year.

Bursaries will be awarded for studies within the water and sanitation field, particularly the following fields:

Undergraduate studies:

Civil Engineering (BSc/ BEng)
Civil Engineering (National Diploma/ BEng Tech)
Electrical Engineering (BSc/ BEng)
Electrical Engineering (Heavy Current) (National Diploma/ BEng Tech)
Environmental Management (BSc)
Mechanical Engineering (BSc/ BEng)
Mechanical Engineering (National Diploma/ BEng Tech)
Water Project Management (BSc)
Water Care (National Diploma)

Postgraduate studies:

Environmental and Water Sciences (BSc (Hons)
Geohydrology (BSc (Hons)
Hydrology (BSc (Hons)

Department of Water and Sanitation.png

​Deadline: 30 September 2024; Please visit the link here for more information and the application process.
South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL) Bursary​
​SANRAL is inviting students to apply for their external bursary programme, for the 2025 academic year.

Bursaries will be awarded for Undergraduate and Postgraduate studies, within these fields, which are fields that are critical to SANRAL’s operations:

Civil Engineering
Electronic Engineering
Human Resources
Supply Chain Management


​Deadline: 30 September 2024; Please visit the link here for more information and the application process.​
Potatoes SA Bursary 2025​
​Potatoes South Africa (PSA) is inviting students to apply for bursary funding, for the 2025 academic year.

Bursaries will be awarded for studies within the following fields:

Undergraduate studies: Agricultural fields (including Agriculture Production, Agronomy, Plant Production, Soil Science)
Postgraduate studies: Honours, Masters or PhD – with a Potato Related Topic

Potatoes SA.png

​​Deadline: 31 October 2024; Please see the link here for more information and the application process.
The Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme Foundation (ISFAP) ​
​The Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme Foundation (ISFAP) bursary applications for Postgraduate study for the 2025 academic year are open. 

Eligibility criteria

South African citizens from households with an annual income between R0 and R600,000
Applicants must be enrolled for Honours or Masters postgraduate studies in the prescribed programmes supported by ISFAP in partnership with Stellenbosch University, which can be found here; https://pg.isfap.org.za/

​Deadline: 31 October 2024; Please see the link here for more information and the application process.

​​​​​​​The Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Scholarships for Postgraduate
Local Study​​​.

Scholarships for Honours, Master's and Doctoral Students (and postdoctoral fellows) 
Deadline - Various; Please visit the website here for more information and the application process.​ 
​Deloitte Bursary
​Each year, Deloitte award bursaries to deserving students. Bursaries are awarded to learners studying towards a SAICA accredited Chartered Accountancy stream degree qualification (undergraduate or postgraduate).

The bursary award will cover the following expenses: tuition fees, prescribed book and accommodation (to a capped amount).​​

​Deadline: None -  submission of applications are open all year round and students are welcome to apply at any time. Please see the website here for more information and the application process.​​​ ​​​​ ​ 
​C4IP Grants for Intellectual Property Research, Scholarship, and Writings
C4IP is committed to providing data-driven recommendations for intellectual property policy. To that end, C4IP plans to support original, empirically-grounded research through this grant program. While all eligible researchers are encouraged to apply, C4IP welcomes collaboration between legal academia and other areas of social science or economic research and researchers outside of legal academia to apply.
Deadline: None - Please visit the website here for more information and the application process​.
