The SA Research Chair in Sugarcane Biorefining is held by Prof Johann Görgens in the SU Department of Process Engineering and aims to broaden the range of products manufactured from available sugarcane, so as to maximise the economic value extracted beyond conventional products like sugar, electricity, and ethanol. This effort is primarily undertaken to create a sustainable future for the South African and global sugarcane industries, which indirectly support at least a million livelihoods in SA, being of critical socio-economic importance in the areas where the industry operates. Underlying to all development work to be undertaken is a comprehensive simulation approach to assess current technology performances, technology shortcomings and potential for relevant industrial implementation. Only those processes/products that show real potential for implementation in industrial sugarcane biorefineries will be pursued for further (experimental) development work. Many of the diversification opportunities are aimed at new products in the global green- and bio-economies, aimed at substantially reducing the environmental impacts of industries where these products are used. The research chair therefore involves aspects of both technology development and assessment, aiming to identify new investment opportunities for diversification of the local and international sugarcane industries. Industrial collaboration is a critical component of the research work, to translate research findings into potential investments, by combination with expert-inputs in financial modelling, technology supply, markets assessment and sustainability certification. Understanding the global context and influence of new developments in commercial implementation of biorefineries, is a strategic goal of this research chair. In this context, the training of postgraduate students is focused on industry-ready capabilities, through a thorough understanding of sugarcane processing and the requirements for implementation of new technologies in industry.
Prof Johann Görgens